Field John Libri
Libri di John Field
JOHN FIELD: tutti i Libri scritti da John Field in vendita online su a prezzi scontati. Acquistare su Unilibro è semplice: clicca sul libro di John Field che ti interessa, aggiungilo a carrello e procedi quindi a concludere l'ordine
Il capitale sociale: un'introduzione Field John - Erickson, 2004 - Metodi E Tecniche Del Lavoro Sociale
Il concetto di capitale sociale si riferisce alle relazioni attraverso cui ciascun individuo coopera con altri per conseguire obiettivi che, altrimenti, gli risulterebbero preclusi. Questo volume rappresenta uno dei primi tentativi di tracciare un bilancio complessivo, a tutto campo, del ricco dibattito che si è sviluppato negli ultimi anni intorno a questo tema. Il testo spazia dalle basi teoriche del capitale sociale fino alle ricerche empiriche ispirate da tale concetto e alle sue ripercussioni nelle politiche pubbliche, quali risultano dalle strategie di azione di organismi sovranazionali come la Banca Mondiale e la Commissione Europea.
Listening in the Language Classroom Field John - Cambridge Univ Pr, 2009 - Cambridge Univ Pr (Hardcover)
This book challenges the orthodox approach to the teaching of second language listening, which is based upon the asking and answering of comprehension questions. It critically examines the practices and assumptions associated with this approach, and suggests ways of revising them. The book's central argument is that a preoccupation with the notion of 'comprehension' has led teachers to focus upon the product of listening, in the form of answers to questions, ignoring the listening process itself. The author provides an informed account of the psychological processes which make up the skill of listening, and analyses the characteristics of the speech signal from which listeners have to construct a message. Drawing upon this information, the book proposes a radical alternative to the comprehension approach and provides for intensive small-scale practice in aspects of listening that are perceptually or cognitively demanding for the learner.
Listening in the Language Classroom Field John - Cambridge Univ Pr, 2009 - Cambridge Univ Pr (Hardcover)
This book challenges the orthodox approach to the teaching of second language listening, which is based upon the asking and answering of comprehension questions. It critically examines the practices and assumptions associated with this approach, and suggests ways of revising them. The book's central argument is that a preoccupation with the notion of 'comprehension' has led teachers to focus upon the product of listening, in the form of answers to questions, ignoring the listening process itself. The author provides an informed account of the psychological processes which make up the skill of listening, and analyses the characteristics of the speech signal from which listeners have to construct a message. Drawing upon this information, the book proposes a radical alternative to the comprehension approach and provides for intensive small-scale practice in aspects of listening that are perceptually or cognitively demanding for the learner.