
The Broken Looking Glass. E-book. Formato Mobipocket - 9781954079496

Un ebook di  B.C.L.  edito da pinkflamingo, 2021

Erotic Thriller. Cara Keene, a heretofore happily married artist from California. Her husband, Robert a successful software engineer. Everything seems to be going great for the young couple, except that Cara is haunted by a man in her dreams. He comes to her each night in heated, nightmare passion, becoming more demanding as time moves on. This shadow man satisfies her in a deep, dark, sado-masochistic way. Though she wants to be free of his seduction, her desire runs too deep. Following a tragic accident, Cara moves to New York in hopes of a fresh start. But even there, she cannot escape the shadow man. Her story continues on the seedy streets of 1990's New York City where a new love interest, introduces her to an underground world of sex parties and counter-culture. Is this her dreams calling to her? But where will this fraught path lead and the madness end? We witness Cara growing into a new being, a fulfilled and wild creature. But danger is not far away. Something awaits that is far more real than dreamy shadows.

Informazioni bibliografiche

  • Titolo: The Broken Looking Glass. E-book. Formato Mobipocket
  • AutoreB.C.L.
  • Editore: pinkflamingo
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 17 Dicembre '21
  • Formato: Mobipocket
  • Protezione: nessuna
  • ISBN-13: 9781954079496
Dello stesso autore: B.C.L.
The Broken Looking Glass. E-book. Formato Mobipocket ebook di B.C.L.
The Broken Looking Glass. E-book. Formato Mobipocket
edizioni pinkflamingo
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