Samuel the Prophet. E-book. Formato PDF - 9780243847327
di F. B. Meyer
edito da FORGOTTEN BOOKS , 2017
Formato: PDF - Protezione: nessuna
Samuel has the distinction of being Israel's last judge and the reference point of a new phase in the history of God's Chosen People. He also is the one who picked and anointed the first two kings of Israel, underlining the important role that the prophet played in Jewish history. As such, it is not surprising for him to become the subject of a book, especially Rev. F.B. Meyer's <i>Samuel the Prophet</i>.<br><br>The author closely examines the life of this great Hebrew prophet, dwelling longer on the most poignant periods of the subject's life. He adds dimension to what is already known about Samuel by adding his own reflections and commentaries, which help readers appreciate the meaning of various symbols, rituals, and events that took place while the Israeli judge was still alive. <br><br>With the inclusion of Rev. Meyer's spiritual exhortations, this 1910 edition also serves as a material that one can reflect upon and also use as a guide in enriching one's faith. <br><br>This volume is a definitive account of Samuel's life, which combines references to the prophet found in the Old and New Testament. As such, Pastor Meyer did manage to knit together a cohesive, accurate, and detailed portrait of this powerful Biblical figure. This indeed is one book that those serving in a community-based ministry, as well as those studying Biblical history, will find a very informative and spiritually enriching resource.
Samuel the Prophet. E-book. Formato PDF
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