
The Last Tycoon. E-book. Formato EPUB - 9786050474190

Un ebook di  F. Scott Fitzgerald  edito da F. Scott Fitzgerald, 2016

The Last Tycoon is an unfinished novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald. In 1941, it was published posthumously under this title, as prepared by his friend Edmund Wilson, a critic and writer. It was adapted as a TV play in 1957 and a film in 1976 of the same name, with a screenplay for the latter by British playwright Harold Pinter. Robert De Niro and Theresa Russell starred.

Informazioni bibliografiche

  • Titolo: The Last Tycoon. E-book. Formato EPUB
  • AutoreF. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Editore: F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 06 Luglio '16
  • Formato: EPUB
  • Protezione: Filigrana digitale
  • ISBN-13: 9786050474190
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