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Spiritual MarketingHow to overcome the limits of strategic marketing with a mix of communication, meditation, ethics and magic.. E-book. Formato PDF aggiunto a carrello

Spiritual MarketingHow to overcome the limits of strategic marketing with a mix of communication, meditation, ethics and magic.. E-book. Formato PDF

EBOOK di  Fabio Porrino

Spiritual MarketingHow to overcome the limits of strategic marketing with a mix of communication, meditation, ethics and magic.. E-book. Formato PDF - 9788835877158

di  Fabio Porrino
edito da  FABIO PORRINO , 2020
Formato: PDF - Protezione: nessuna
€ 9.99
Ebook Formato PDF con Protezione: nessuna

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are replacing human work, even in marketing, just as has happened in the past in other manufacturing sectors. Experts haven&rsquo;t yet understood what is happening, and they continue to recommend the strategic marketing model. If marketing was an exact science then it may be reduced, with the scientific method, systemically and severely to observable and repeatable events which have precise and recognizable causes.<br /><br />So from these events could be developed one or more algorithm, on the basis of which it would be possible to create an automatic software able to handle scientifically each marketing campaign. Soon humans, advisers, which work strategically and scientifically would be replaced by machines.<br /><br />Thanks to the web&rsquo;s giants today everyone can have access to the most advanced marketing technologies easily and at low prices. This is no longer sufficient, and makes no difference anymore.<br /><br />What makes the difference today are: feelings, stories, experiences, meditation, emotions, irrationality, creativity, intuition&hellip; in one word the Magic!<br /><br /><b>Spiritual Marketing</b> is a system that wants go beyond the limits of traditional and strategic marketing choosing ideas and concepts of spiritual origin instead of the strict and at this point ineffective present paradigm.<br /><br />The author analyzes how some states of the soul with spiritual nature can lift up consultation and marketing strategy at an higher level, also because of techniques that derive from coaching and neuro-linguistic programming. He describes as an holistic approach, in concrete situations, can direct to an unpredictable and extraordinary solutions and intuitions.<br /><br /><b>Author Biography</b><br /><br /><b>Fabio Porrino</b> is an expert in marketing, he works since 2008 as a consultant in some important National and International companies. He reached important goals independently and on a behalf of customers. So far he managed advertising campaigns with budgets of several million euros. He received prestigious awards: in 2016 has been awarded by Google of one of the three rewards reserved to the best Italian advertising agencies (the only professional among the winners) at the Google Partner Inspiration &amp; Networking Outdoor; in November same year he was invited at Google Partner Summit in San Francisco, California, invitation renewed in 2018 for the Google Marketing Live. Since 2015 he studied neuro-linguistic programming and coaching, following the path to became a professional coach.<br /><br />He lives in a little town in the province of Caserta (Italy) with his wife and two children.
Spiritual MarketingHow to overcome the limits of strategic marketing with a mix of communication, meditation, ethics and magic.. E-book. Formato PDF
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