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Values education with chidren`s storiesValuable Stories in 4 Different Languages. E-book. Formato EPUB aggiunto a carrello

Values education with chidren`s storiesValuable Stories in 4 Different Languages. E-book. Formato EPUB

EBOOK di  Ferah Diba Izgi

Values education with chidren`s storiesValuable Stories in 4 Different Languages. E-book. Formato EPUB - 9791222075365

di  Ferah Diba Izgi
edito da  UKEY PUBLISHING , 2023
Formato: EPUB - Protezione: Filigrana digitale
€ 11.00
Ebook Formato EPUB con Protezione: Filigrana digitale

In today&#39;s world where there is a great moral crisis, the solution is value-based education. &nbsp;With value-based education, we can raise children as individuals with strong character and values, who know how to use their knowledge for the benefit of humanity and even the collective.<br />Nelson Mandela said, &ldquo;Education is the most powerful weapon with which you can change the world.&rdquo; &nbsp;Here, he talked about both academic education and universal values ??education. &nbsp;And values ??education has the power to change the world. &nbsp;Education is a lifelong development process of a person&#39;s personality starting from his/her birth. &nbsp;It forms the basis of everything. &nbsp;Therefore, whether it is in the family (informal) or in the school environment (formal), education based on values ??plays an important role in providing moral development.<br />Education with values ??aims to enable the child to confront his social environment with attitudes and values. &nbsp;It is a process that covers the whole personality development of a child. &nbsp;Values ??education includes personality development, character development, psychological development and citizenship development.<br />&nbsp;<br />Today, every parent wants to give their children the best education. &nbsp;Sometimes she doesn&#39;t know how to do this, what path to follow.<br />The character development of children is shaped in a positive way with the stories read to children from the age of 2.<br />&nbsp;<br />B&uuml;y&uuml;k bir ahlaki degerler krizinin yasandigi g&uuml;n&uuml;m&uuml;zde, &ccedil;&ouml;z&uuml;m deger temelli egitimdir. Deger temelli egitim ile &ccedil;ocuklari, bilgilerini insanligin hatta kollektifin &nbsp;yararina kullanmayi bilen, g&uuml;&ccedil;l&uuml; karakter ve degerlere sahip bireyler olarak yetistirebiliriz.<br />Nelson Mandela &nbsp; &ldquo;Egitim, d&uuml;nyayi degistirebileceginiz en g&uuml;&ccedil;l&uuml; silahtir&rdquo; dedi. Burada hem akademik egitimden hem de evrensel &nbsp;degerler egitiminden bahsetti. Ve degerler egitimi d&uuml;nyayi degistirme g&uuml;c&uuml;ne sahiptir. Egitim, kisinin dogumundan &nbsp; baslayarak kisiliginin yasam boyu devam eden bir gelisim s&uuml;recidir. Her seyin temelini olusturur. Bu nedenle ister aile de(informal) olsun isterse okul ortaminda egitim(formal) olsun degerlere dayali egitim &nbsp;ahlaki gelisimi &nbsp;saglamada &ouml;nemli bir rol oynamaktadir.<br />Degerlerle &nbsp;egitim, &ccedil;ocugun sosyal &ccedil;evresiyle &nbsp; tutum ve degerlerle y&uuml;zlesmesini saglamayi ama&ccedil;lar. Bir &ccedil;ocugun &nbsp;b&ucirc;t&ucirc;n &nbsp;kisilik gelisimini kapsayan bir &nbsp; s&uuml;re&ccedil;tir. Degerler egitimi;kisilik gelisimi, karakter gelisimi,psikolojik gelisim ve &nbsp;vatandaslik gelisimi &nbsp;i&ccedil;erir.<br />&nbsp;<br />G&uuml;n&uuml;m&uuml;zde her Anne Baba &nbsp;&ccedil;ocuklarina en iyi egitimi vermek istiyor. Bazen bunu nasil yapacagini, nasil bir yol izlemesi gerektigini bilmiyor.<br />2 yasindan &nbsp;itibaren &ccedil;ocuklara okunan hikayelerle &nbsp;&ccedil;ocuklarin karakter gelisimi olumlu y&ouml;nde sekillendirilmektedir.
Values education with chidren`s storiesValuable Stories in 4 Different Languages. E-book. Formato EPUB
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