
Dubliners. E-book. Formato EPUB - 9788381153249

Un ebook di  Joyce James  edito da Ktoczyta.pl, 2017

Life is full of missed opportunities and hard decisions. Sometimes it’s difficult to know what to actually do. Dubliners creates an image of an ever movie city, of an ever moving exchange of people who experience the reality of life. A collection of 15 short stories by James Joyce all set in Dublin and first published in 1914. They form a naturalistic depiction of Irish Middle class life in around Dublin in the early years of the 20th Century. There are two types of stories in Dubliners. The first, and by far the most effective, are those associated with despair, nihilism and death. The second type deals with more ordinary aspects of modern life, the representation of the city and social exchanges. As a collection they provide an image of dark, murky city struggling to cope with the problems associated with rapid urbanisation.

Informazioni bibliografiche

  • Titolo: Dubliners. E-book. Formato EPUB
  • AutoreJoyce James
  • Editore: Ktoczyta.pl
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 11 Marzo '17
  • Formato: EPUB
  • Protezione: Filigrana digitale
  • ISBN-13: 9788381153249
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