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Why we are under attackAl Qaeda, the Islamic State and the “do-it-yourself” terrorism. E-book. Formato EPUB aggiunto a carrello

Why we are under attackAl Qaeda, the Islamic State and the “do-it-yourself” terrorism. E-book. Formato EPUB

EBOOK di  Laura Quadarella Sanfelice di Monteforte

Why we are under attackAl Qaeda, the Islamic State and the “do-it-yourself” terrorism. E-book. Formato EPUB - 9788825505139

di  Laura Quadarella Sanfelice di Monteforte
edito da  ARACNE EDITRICE , 2017
Formato: EPUB - Protezione: nessuna
€ 16.99
Ebook Formato EPUB con Protezione: nessuna

The &ldquo;do-it-yourself&rdquo; terrorism in an analysis, supported by a rich photographic documentation, ranging from <i>jihadist</i> propaganda to the attacks carried out in the West by homegrown terrorists and foreign fighters-returnees. These youngsters respond to the calls by <i>Al Qaeda</i> and the <i>Islamic State</i>, competing for the leadership in the <i>jihadist</i> galaxy, and attack us, seldom acting in total autonomy. From the study of the attacks and of the material broadcasted on the net, it is possible to understand which attacks are directed and coordinated by <i>jihadist</i> groups, and which are simply inspired by their ideals. It is therefore possible to answer questions as the one giving the name to this book and to speculate on &ldquo;who, when and where will attack us&rdquo;, as well as to see first&ndash;hand the <i>jihadist</i> propaganda, through hundreds of colour photographs.<br /><br /><br />A study which, in addition to the explanation on the &ldquo;where, when and how&rdquo; of terrorism, helps to understand &ldquo;why&rdquo;! (Giuseppe Cucchi, General, former Head of DIS &ndash; Italian Security Intelligence Department).<br /><br />I highly recommend this book, as it fills an important gap in Western knowledge of jihadism. To know what the adversarial propaganda says is a way to prevent and contain its effects, and this is especially true in the case of DIY terrorism (Ferdinando Sanfelice di Monteforte, Professor of Strategic Studies, former Commander of NATO Naval Forces Southern Europe and anti-terrorism Operation ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR).<br /><br />A clear analysis, based on scientific data and methodology, of a complex phenomenon.<br />A book for everybody, that can be easily read, studied, and that definitely helps us understand why they are attacking us (Fabrizio Luciolli, President of the Atlantic Treaty Association).<br /><br />A central theme of this in-depth analysis is that the West is on the periphery of the conflict, a conflict which is internal to what the author calls &lsquo;the jihadist galaxy&rsquo;. We are not central to this conflict but are being used by it and for it (Ajit Maan, Ph.D., President of Narrative Strategies).<br /><br />Every law enforcement official, policy maker and ordinary citizen who wants to understand the &ldquo;why&rdquo; of terrorism must read this essential, insightful and well researched book (Carlos Vazquez, Ph.D., Senior Consultant in Terrorist Recruitment at the Behavioral Analysis Group).<br /><br />This book deeply explores the vicious cycle of different ideologically driven insurgency groups in the world. A must study!!! (David Otto Endeley, TGS Counter Terrorism &amp; Organised Crime Expert UK/EU/Africa).<br /><br />This essential and up-to-date analysis helps us make sense of the most recent trends in terrorism, like the &lsquo;do-it-yourself&rsquo; variety (Paul Cobaugh, Vice-President, Narrative Strategies).<br /><br />More than just a modern Sun Tzu compilation on terrorism, this book offers a comprehensive view on the western homegrown terrorism in all its dimension: cultural, popular and media. A useful overview of the new youngster generation! (G&eacute;rald Arboit, Senior Researcher in the French Centre on Intelligence Research).<br /><br />I would strongly recommend this book to get an insight view to part of our new world order (Arne Gerrit Halvorsen, Associate Editor of Defence and Intelligence Norway).
Why we are under attackAl Qaeda, the Islamic State and the “do-it-yourself” terrorism. E-book. Formato EPUB
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