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The Nuraghes and the PleiadesAn extraordinary hypothesis on the layout of a group of Bronze Age monuments in Sardinia. E-book. Formato EPUB aggiunto a carrello

The Nuraghes and the PleiadesAn extraordinary hypothesis on the layout of a group of Bronze Age monuments in Sardinia. E-book. Formato EPUB

EBOOK di  Marco Sanna
edito da  CONDAGHES

The Nuraghes and the PleiadesAn extraordinary hypothesis on the layout of a group of Bronze Age monuments in Sardinia. E-book. Formato EPUB - 9788873567646

di  Marco Sanna
edito da  CONDAGHES , 2023
Formato: EPUB - Protezione: Filigrana digitale
€ 3.49
Ebook Formato EPUB con Protezione: Filigrana digitale

A symbolization of <b>Heaven on Earth</b> as a supreme religious tribute by the Nuraghic people or just a mere coincidence? The &ldquo;visual similarity&rdquo; of the position of the nuraghes as compared to the Open star cluster Messier 45 (known as the Pleiades) is absolutely striking.<br />The daily life of ancient societies was very much influenced by the movements of the sun, moon, planets and specific stars and constellations such as the Great Bear, Orion and the Pleiades. This was even more true before calendars and time markers came into use. The significance was such that the observation and prediction of the celestial events became of profound religious importance and also represented a way to condition the political power over human communities all over the world. The Bronze Age Nuraghic Civilisation in Sardinia was no exception.<br />This book explains in detail the prominent role that the Pleiades had in many civilizations and also an enterprising hypothesis made by the archaeologist Augusto Mulas that the &ldquo;unusual arrangement&rdquo; of a group of nuraghes around the <i>Santu Antine </i>of Torralba was purposely set up by its ancient constructors to represent the Sacred star cluster. To support this hypothesis, in the second part of the book, engineer Marco Sanna illustrates a probability calculus which demonstrates that the positioning of the group of nuraghes was almost certainly deliberate, with nearly 96% of likelihood.
The Nuraghes and the PleiadesAn extraordinary hypothesis on the layout of a group of Bronze Age monuments in Sardinia. E-book. Formato EPUB
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