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Small farmers for a food system transition: Evidence from Kenya and Tanzania. E-book. Formato EPUB aggiunto a carrello

Small farmers for a food system transition: Evidence from Kenya and Tanzania. E-book. Formato EPUB

EBOOK di  Nunzia Borrelli
edito da  LEDIZIONI

Small farmers for a food system transition: Evidence from Kenya and Tanzania. E-book. Formato EPUB - 9788855262019

di  Nunzia Borrelli
edito da  LEDIZIONI , 2020
Formato: EPUB - Protezione: Filigrana digitale
€ 9.99
Ebook Formato EPUB con Protezione: Filigrana digitale

This book aims at being a first rendering of the research conducted on the coattails of the SASS Project (Sustainable Agrifood Systems Strategies).The SASS Project was financed by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), and it engaged a multidisciplinary team of agronomists, microbiologists, botanists, economists, sociologists and anthropologists. The purpose of the research was to map and to analyse the local nutritional systems of three East African areas – the Arusha’s and the Iringa’s in Tanzania and the Lake Naivasha’s in Kenya – with an interdisciplinary, synergic and interactive approach.The project intends to investigate the agro-nutritional systems both from a techno-scientific and a socio-politic point of view, in order to provide a full overview of the situation by integrating the different results from all the disciplinary fields involved.
Small farmers for a food system transition: Evidence from Kenya and Tanzania. E-book. Formato EPUB
Data Pubblicazione
Filigrana digitale
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