
Painful Pleasures. E-book. Formato Mobipocket - 9781954079205

Un ebook di  Richards Patrick  edito da pinkflamingo, 2021

Dylan MacGregor wants to be used and abused, but not just by anyone. He wants a sadistic Mistress, dressed in sexy, black leather, carrying a big whip who will give him the discipline, pain and humiliation he desires. As far back as he can remember, he’s been intrigued with ropes and chains. He’s spent hours tying himself up and enjoying self-inflicted bondage and pain. He’s discovered that his self-abuse and intense pain makes his ejaculations far better than normal. With the arrival of the internet, he’s been able to live his life vicariously through the bondage, discipline and pain of others – which feeds his needs both physically and sexually. Excited yes, but satisfied, no! Then one day entirely by accident a woman comes into his life who gives him everything he wants. He desires pain, she likes to dish I out! When his Mistress asks him what he wants, he replies, “I want it all!” Now Dylan gets everything he wants and far more! But remember that famous line, “Be careful what you wish for.”

Informazioni bibliografiche

  • Titolo: Painful Pleasures. E-book. Formato Mobipocket
  • AutoreRichards Patrick
  • Editore: pinkflamingo
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 25 Giugno '21
  • Formato: Mobipocket
  • Protezione: nessuna
  • ISBN-13: 9781954079205
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