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The Benson murder case. E-book. Formato Mobipocket aggiunto a carrello

The Benson murder case. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

EBOOK di  S. S. Van Dine
edito da  S. S. VAN DINE

The Benson murder case. E-book. Formato Mobipocket - 9786050465778

di  S. S. Van Dine
edito da  S. S. VAN DINE , 2016
Formato: Mobipocket - Protezione: Filigrana digitale
€ 2.99
Ebook Formato Mobipocket con Protezione: Filigrana digitale

It happened that, on the morning of the momentous June the fourteenth when the discovery of the murdered body of Alvin H. Benson created a sensation which, to this day, has not entirely died away, I had breakfasted with Philo Vance in his apartment. It was not unusual for me to share Vance's luncheons and dinners, but to have breakfast with him was something of an occasion. He was a late riser, and it was his habit to remain incommunicado until his midday meal.
The reason for this early meeting was a matter of business—or, rather, of æsthetics. On the afternoon of the previous day Vance had attended a preview of Vollard's collection of Cézanne water–colors at the Kessler Galleries, and having seen several pictures he particularly wanted, he had invited me to an early breakfast to give me instructions regarding their purchase.
The Benson murder case. E-book. Formato Mobipocket
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