A R Harding eBooks
eBooks di A R Harding di Formato Epub
Una piccola città testarda: Vita, morte e resistenza in Ucraina. E-book. Formato EPUB Andrew Harding - Solferino, 2023 -
Una settimana dopo l’inizio della guerra in Ucraina, una piccola città nel sud del paese, Voznesensk, si trova suo malgrado teatro del conflitto. Qui c’è un ponte, il ponte sull’Acqua Morta, che le truppe russe sono obbligate a superare per dirigersi verso Odessa. Occupare la cittadina, piccola e abitata prevalentemente da contadini e pensionati, sembra un gioco da ragazzi per l’esercito del Cremlino. Eppure, contro tutti i pronostici, il paese si ribella, mettendo in piedi una resistenza che darà un segnale di speranza e sarà d’esempio per tutte le altre città ucraine. La milizia territoriale, costituita da trenta volontari, scava trincee improvvisate, mentre tutti gli altri fabbricano molotov con stracci e bottiglie. Arriva una pattuglia dell’esercito ucraino, due volontari vengono presi prigionieri dai russi, cade un elicottero, per un errore il ponte viene fatto saltare in anticipo sul previsto. Ma la città resiste e i russi sono costretti a ritirarsi senza riuscire a conquistarla. Il miracolo di Voznesensk accende gli animi degli ucraini, che da allora combattono senza sosta. La copertura giornalistica che ha accompagnato sin dall’inizio il conflitto ha dato a molti la sensazione di esserne informati su ogni aspetto, ma, al di là della geopolitca, questo ritratto di una piccola città testarda ci racconta la guerra dal punto di vista di persone «normali», e capaci di straordinario eroismo. Un inaspettato successo militare nelle vite di un’umanità che risuona dolorosa e terribile, in una quotidianità che si abbatte su di lei all’improvviso, devastante, fatta di fratelli divisi da un confine e da un’ideologia, di soldati ucraini per nascita che si trovano a combattere nell’esercito russo, di giovani militari russi a cui sfugge un grido disperato: «Questa guerra non è la mia».
Ginseng and other medicinal plants. E-book. Formato EPUB A. R. Harding - Anna Ruggieri, 2016 -
When the price of Ginseng advanced some years ago hundreds engaged in the business who knew little or nothing of farming, plant raising and horticulture. That they largely failed is not to be wondered at. Later many began in a small way and succeeded. Many of these were farmers and gardeners. Others were men who had hunted, trapped and gathered "seng" from boyhood. They therefore knew something of the peculiarities of Ginseng.It is from the experience of these men that this work is largely made up--writings of those who are in the business.Golden seal is also attracting considerable attention owing to the rapid increase in price during the early years of the present century. The growing of this plant is given careful attention also.Many other plants are destined to soon become valuable. A work gotten out by the government--American root drugs--contains a great deal of value in regard habits, range, description, common names, price, uses, etc., etc., so that some of the information contained in this book is taken therefrom. The prices named in the government bulletin which was issued in 1907 were those prevailing at that time--they will vary, in the future, largely according to the supply and demand.The greatest revenue derived from plants for medicinal purposes is derived from the roots, yet there are certain ones where the leavesand bark are used. Therefore to be complete some space is given to these plants. The digging of the roots, of course, destroys the plantas well as does the peeling of the bark, while leaves secured is clear gain--in other words, if gathered when maturedthe plant or shrub is not injured and will produce leaves each year.The amount of root drugs used for medicinal purposes will increase as the medical profession is using of them more and more. Again the number of people in the world is rapidly increasingwhile the forests (the natural home of root drugs) are becoming less each year. This shows that growers of medicinal roots will find a larger market in the future than in the past.Those who know something of medicinal plants--"Root Drugs"--can safely embark in their cultivation, for while prices may ease off--go lower--at times, it is reasonably certain that the general trend will be upward as the supply growing wild is rapidly becoming less each year.
Faerindale Legends - Return of the Orb. E-book. Formato EPUB Alexandra Harding - Alexandra Harding, 2015 -
A hard-working single mum Alison Johnson is unable to take her three children out of the city on summer vacation. Children’s Grandfather Oscar sends them a surprise invitation to spend some time at his cottage located on a small island. The Johnsons accept the invitation and arrive at the island, where they meet Oscar’s mysterious friend. Children are having fun, exploring the island, meeting new friends and learning about local legends. However, soon the tragedy struck and children, together with their new furry friend, fearlessly venture on a rescue mission into Faerindale - the magical land of faeries, elves and goblins.