Ada E eBooks
eBooks di Ada E di Formato Pdf
Coricarsi e morire. E-book. Formato PDF Adalet Agaoglu - L'asino D'oro, 2017 -
Chiusa in una stanza al sedicesimo piano di un albergo di Ankara, una donna, Aysel, decide di abbandonarsi alla morte. Un abbandono volontario, consapevole, che la conduce a ripercorrere la propria vita. Educata secondo gli ideali di civiltà e progresso sui quali le élites repubblicane avevano eretto la neonata nazione turca, Aysel dovrà combattere strenuamente contro i pregiudizi della generazione di padri, che mal comprende la modernità imposta dall’alto, per adeguare sé stessa al modello di ‘donna emancipata’ promosso da Kemal Atatürk. Seppur a fatica, riuscirà a svincolarsi dal ruolo di moglie e madre imposto dalla morale tradizionale e a realizzare le proprie ambizioni personali. Ma quando Engin, uno dei suoi studenti, irromperà nella sua vita, l’apparente idillio in cui vive sarà irrimediabilmente rotto. L’emancipazione femminile promossa dalla nuova Turchia, l’inclusione della donna nello spazio pubblico sono state raggiunte ma a un caro prezzo: la negazione del suo corpo e la soppressione di qualsiasi altra aspirazione che non rientri nel perimetro tracciato dai riformatori kemalisti. In questo romanzo Adalet Agaoglu costruisce un percorso insieme personale e corale, sofferto e commovente, ma pervaso da tagliente ironia. Autobiografia, romanzo epistolare e autoanalisi si fondono in uno stile nervoso e multiforme che si dilata e si comprime come la nozione del tempo. Uno spaccato della Turchia tra la fine degli anni Trenta e gli anni Sessanta, che non si ferma in superficie, ma va a fondo del processo di modernizzazione, portandone a galla i traumi e le contraddizioni.
Case-Study Possibilities: A Forecast. E-book. Formato PDF Ada Eliot Sheffield - Forgotten Books, 2017 -
The approach here proposed to a scientific study of group relations in family and neighborhood is based on the analysis of histories of a number of unmarried mothers. For social study the unmarried mother problem has special interest. First because it deals with a transient, or casual variation upon the family group. Whereas a normal family is a partnership between a strong worker and a socially competent mate for the long care of helpless young, this group precipitated by nature into a? Family status, is yet so disrupted by its lack of sanction in feeling that except for social pressure it disintegrates at once, the stronger parent usually taking his natural advantage to abscond, and the mother seeking the first chance to be relieved of an infant that keeps her in a status of maternity without honor. Second, the fact that illegitimacy makes an abortive family group relates it to several important and complex social questions. It involves at once the marriage laws, the social evil, the causal factors in infant mortality, and the phenomena of mental defect and instability. This complexity and theoretical scope, together with the practical oversight it entails for the detached and somewhat ostracized woman with a baby make illegitimacy a problem that, once grasped, should afford valuable data and a working method for other problems. Adequately to demonstrate the possibilities of the type of analysis here proposed calls for its application to many more social histories. This task I am now entering upon. The first two chapters of this monograph were read before the National Conference of Social Workers in 1921 and 1922, Chapter I having also appeared in the Survey. The first part of this chapter, however, has been entirely rewritten and some te visions made throughout.
A Manual of Weeds: With Descriptions of All the Most Pernicious and Troublesome Plants in the United States and Canada, Their Habits of Growth and Distribution, With Methods of Control. E-book. Formato PDF Ada E. Georgia - Forgotten Books, 2017 -
Nature is the great farmer. Continually she sows and reaps, making all the forces of the universe her tools and helpers. The sun's rays, wind, rain, frost and snow, insects and birds, animals small and great, even to the humble burrowing worms of the earth, all work mightily for her and a harvest of some kind is absolutely sure. And to the people who must wrest a living from the soil, not only for themselves but for all mankind besides, it must seem that Nature's favorites are the hardy, aggressive, and often useless and harmful plants which they have named weeds. Yet, when man interferes with the Great Mother's plans and insists that the crops shall be only such as may benefit and enrich himself, she seems to yield a willing obedience, and under his guid ance does immensely better work than when uncontrolled. But Dame Nature is an eye-servant only by the sternest determina tion and the most unrelam'ng vigilance can her fellow-worker subdue the earth to his will and fulfill the destiny foreshadowed in that primal blessing, so sadly disguised and misnamed, when the first man was told, Cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat of the herb of the field. A stern decree. But the civilization of the peoples of the earth is measured by the forward state of their agriculture; and agriculture in its simplest terms is the compelling of the soil to yield only such products as shall conduce to the welfare of the people who live upon it. It resolves itself into a contest with nature as to what plants shall be permitted to grow, and the discovery of the easiest, surest, and most economical means of securing a victory in the strife.