Anthony J eBooks
eBooks di Anthony J di Formato Pdf
Dal post-it al push-up. E-book. Formato PDF Anthony Jr. Rubino - Bur, 2015 -
Le invenzioni più pazzesche dell'umanità non stanno nelle enciclopedie, tra la penicillina e l'energia elettrica. Gli autentici colpi di genio sono quelli che hanno cambiato la nostra vita di tutti i giorni. E sono raccolti in questo libro divertentissimo e curioso, che svela le storie incredibili nascoste dietro cento oggetti a cui non potremmo mai rinunciare: dal ghiacciolo all'acqua in bottiglia, dall'apriscatole al pane a fette, dalla cravatta al reggiseno. Un giro del mondo irriverente e stravagante, tutto a colori, per soddisfare piccole e grandi curiosità. Perché, dopotutto, la prossima idea geniale potrebbe essere a portata di mano.Basta solo sapersi guardare attorno!
History of Del Norte County, California: With a Business Directory and Traveler's Guide. E-book. Formato PDF Anthony Jennings Bledsoe - Forgotten Books, 2017 -
In my search for information I found the know-noth ings in a very small minority, while the know-every things were in such a large majority that it was almost impossible to arrive at the facts in some instances. However, no pains have been spared to procure the best and most reliable information possible, and I cheerfully acknowledge my obligations to Benj. West, Peter Peveler, Peter Darby, Asa Thompson, W. H. Woodbury, J. K.
Structural Redesign in an Organized Anarchy: Implications for Implementing Change. E-book. Formato PDF Anthony J. Dibella - Forgotten Books, 2017 -
This paper presents data from a study of planned structural redesign to challenge several assumptions underlying theories of planned change (1). First, I describe and analyze the experience at Worldwide Action for Development (WW) to establish a divisional structure based on the location of the implementation and result in unanticipated outcomes. I then consider the implications for how planned change can be handled when circumstances undermine the validity of core assumptions about how or why organizations change.A variety of theories have been developed and tested to understand and predict processes of planned organizational change. These models have evolves from different research traditions to emphasize diagnosis (Lawrence & Lorsch, 1969; Porras, 1987), intervention (Schein, 1969; Argyris, 1970), and change management (Nadler, 1981; Beckhard & Harris, 1987). We would expect the application of a particular theory of planned change to depend upon the type of organization, the design of the change intervention, and the circumstances that initiated it. Indeed most theorists are careful to include a situational or contingent component to their models recognizing that change is a fluid process which cannot be completely blueprinted and is not easily managed (2).Yet these techniques presuppose a manager's desire and ability to articulate an organizational purpose or mission, or the end state of some change process.