
Anthony William eBooks

eBooks di Anthony William di Formato Pdf

Plane and Spherical Trigonometry: And Four-Place Tables of Logarithms. E-book. Formato PDF

Plane and Spherical Trigonometry: And Four-Place Tables of Logarithms. E-book. Formato PDF

William Anthony Granville 
edizioni Forgotten Books collana , 2017

It has been the author's aim to treat the subject according to the latest and most approved methods. The book is designed for the use of colleges, technical schools, normal schools, secondary schools, and for those who take up the subject without the aid of a teacher. Special attention has been paid to the requirements...

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€ 8.85
The Fourth Dimension and the Bible. E-book. Formato PDF

The Fourth Dimension and the Bible. E-book. Formato PDF

William Anthony Granville 
edizioni Forgotten Books collana , 2017

Pure mathematics is the vanguard of all the sciences, it has marched centuries in advance of them all. For instance, Calculus was discovered nearly two hundred years before the science of Chemistry was far enough advanced to allow the use of Calculus as. One of its instruments of re search. Practically the same thing...

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€ 6.85
Elements of the Differential, and Integral Calculus (Revised: Edition). E-book. Formato PDF

Elements of the Differential, and Integral Calculus (Revised: Edition). E-book. Formato PDF

William Anthony Granville 
edizioni Forgotten Books collana , 2017

That teachers and students of the Calculus have shown such a generous appreciation of Granville's "Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus" has been very gratifying to the author. In the last few years considerable progress has been made in the teaching of the elements of the Calculus, and in this revised...

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€ 9.85