Brian Groves eBooks
eBooks di Brian Groves di Formato Epub
Personal performance potential at work. E-book. Formato EPUB Brian Groves - Educatt Università Cattolica, 2015 -
By approaching workplace performance from the perspective of the theatre, my previous books2 have attempted to illustrate the connection between work and the world of drama and dramatic texts. Here now the emphasis is on performance at work, borrowing in many instances, as we shall see, from the theatre for the sake of satisfying an audience comprised of our stakeholders. That we are all performing at any moment is a noted idea. With the increasing presence of surveillance cameras in many towns and cities today, we are indeed almost continually in the spotlight. That said, personal performance in this book relates to our intentional actions as opposed to activities merely performed as habits or reactions to stimuli deriving from external sources. Focusing on performance, potential and the workplace, certain ideas were originally produced as material for my personal blog3 over the period June 2013-June 2014. Excerpted from the Introduction
The Stage of Work. E-book. Formato EPUB Brian Groves - Educatt, 2023 -
The idea of studying specifically the workplace as the stage of performance is perhaps a natural extension of the theme initiated back in 2009 with the publication of Training through drama for work3 and continued throughout my subsequent books to date.4 With emphasis on living and working to our potential, some ideas here were origianlly produced as input for my personal blog5 during the period July 2015-June 2016. Whilst the aforementioned series of books have made reference to a number of key sources – including although not limited to Co-Active Coaching: new skills for coaching people toward success in work and life,6 Emotional Intelligence,7 The Inner Game of Work: Focus, Learning, Pleasure, and Mobility in the Workplace8 and Winning!,9 – The presentation of self in everyday life by Erving Goffman10 remains a text deserving special mention for this latest book. Despite being first published in 1959, the notions put forward within its pages still hold learning for us all today. Detailing particular aspects of work-related performance in the opening chapters here, one of the four Co-Active Coaching cornerstones of the CTI organization, creator of Co-Active Coaching, namely “The client is naturally creative, resourceful, and whole”, is a central stake for further words to be attached to. To explore the stage of work from the position of the performer, four interviews involving five industrious people are included in the fourth chapter. The interviewees – two based in the United States of America and three operating in the United Kingdom – provide insight into modern working practices and interesting personal perspectives.
Performance Skills at Work. E-book. Formato EPUB Brian Groves - Educatt, 2020 -
Any, or better every, workplace performance requires the use of a combination of skills for a successful realization. The impact of their application on the bottom line of any business is noticeable regardless of how we refer to them. Performance skills at work could just as easily have been titled People skills at work or Soft skills at work. With an emphasis on potential, performance and working practices, some ideas were originally produced as material for my personal blogF during the period July 2014-June 2015. From the preface of the Author