Charles A Hanna eBooks

eBooks di Charles A Hanna di Formato Pdf
EBOOK   9780243773862

The Scotch-Irish: Or the Scot in North Britain, North Ireland, and North America. E-book. Formato PDF Charles A. Hanna   -  Forgotten Books, 2017  - 

O the thoughtful student of American history in its entirety, one of the most interesting aspects of the subject comes from its consideration in connection with the part performed by the scotch-irish in helping to unite the thirteen original colonies. Although sometimes ignored, one important fact needs to be realized before we can properly estimate the forces and in?uences which operated to bring about and perpetuate this union. This fact, which relates peculiarly to the people whose genesis and development have now been passed in review is, that, prior to the Revolution, no other one people, of uniform race, customs, religion, and political principles, made such extensive settlements in so many of the thirteen American colonies as did the Scotch and scotch-irish. While it is true that New England, Pennsylvania, and Virginia were all originally settled by emigrants from different parts of England, yet the three English populations of those colonies probably differed more, one from another, in all things but a common language, than did the majority of them from the scotch-irish. In New England the English settlers were Puritans, individualists, and republicans — in principles the exact opposites of the Eng lish in Virginia and Carolina, who were Episcopalians, Royalists, and upholders of a slaveholding aristocracy. However, neither differed more from one another than both differed from the English of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, who were Quakers, persecuted in New England and Virginia alike, and themselves the only considerable body of English settlers in America who consistently followed their professions of religious tolerance. In Maryland, the English Cavaliers were of the Romish and Episcopal faiths, both practically united when it came to the question of driving Puritans and other dissenters from that colony. Indeed, the settlement of the English along the Atlantic seaboard in three widely separated colonies, under different laws, religions, and systems of government was chie?y due to the fact that their component elements were so radically different from and irreconcilable with one another, that at first they could not be combined.

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EBOOK   9780243618781

The Scotch-Irish or the Scot in North Britain, North Ireland, and North America. E-book. Formato PDF Charles A. Hanna   -  Forgotten Books, 2017  - 

Hese volumes are designed to serve as an introduction to a series of Historical Collections which the writer expects hereafter to publish, relating to the early scotch-irish settlements in America. They are not in tended as a history of the scotch-irish people, for such a work would require more time and labor than have been expended upon the present undertaking. The subject is one, like that of the history of America itself, which must wait for some future gifted historian; but unlike the subject of American history in general, it is also one concerning which no comprehensive treat ment has ever been attempted. Such being the case, in order to enable the reader to understand the relation of the scotch-irish to American history, it has seemed necessary to make a brief general survey of the origin and old-world history of the race to which the scotch-irish belong. In doing this, it has not been his purpose to attempt even an outline sketch of the history of Scotland, but merely to condense and connect the record of its most important events, and indicate some of the principal writers upon different aspects of its history. The fact is, that the lack of acquaintance of many native-born Americans with the details of Scottish history is such that they require an elemen tary grounding even in the annals of its most noteworthy events. Such a primer the writer has undertaken to prepare. In doing so, he has found it advisable to compile, epitomize, and consolidate a number of the most compact of the sketches of Scottish history which have appeared in Great Britain, using for this purpose the writings of William F. Skene and of E. William Robertson, the Annals of Lord Hailes, the brief history of Mack intosh and, for the topographical and ethnographical description of Scot land of the present day, the works of the French geographer and traveller, J. J. E. Reclus, of which an edition in English has been published by Messrs. D. Appleton Company.

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EBOOK   9780243766567

The Wilderness Trail: Or the Ventures and Adventures of the Pennsylvania Traders on the Allegheny Path, With Some New Annals of the Old West, and the Records of Some Strong Men and Some Bad Ones. E-book. Formato PDF Charles A. Hanna   -  Forgotten Books, 2017  - 

The Wilderness Trail: Or the Ventures and Adventures of the Pennsylvania Traders on the Allegheny Path, With Some New Annals of the Old West, and the Records of Some Strong Men and Some Bad Ones. E-book. Formato PDF - Forgotten Books

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