Elias H eBooks
eBooks di Elias H di Formato Pdf
Text-Book of Medical: Chemistry for Medical and Pharmaceutical Students. E-book. Formato PDF Elias H. Bartley - Forgotten Books, 2017 -
Physical science treats of the properties and phenomena of the matter of which these bodies are composed. Matter is anything whose existence is revealed to us by our senses. The properties of a body are the peculiar qualities by which it makes itself known to us; as color, solidity, odor, taste, etc. Physics is that branch of physical science which treats of the phenomena presented to us by bodies or masses of matter as such. Chemistry is that branch of physical science which treats of the ultimate composition of bodies, and the changes which this composition may undergo.
The Slaughter of the Jews in the Ukraine in 1919. E-book. Formato PDF Elias Heifetz - Forgotten Books, 2017 -
The terrible Jewish massacres in the Ukraine in the year 1919, which set the whole land a?ame, can not be. Compared with the pogroms in the eighties and during the first decade Of our century. The latter form, in essence and scope, a chapter in themselves. The tsar ist regime endeavored to divert the attention of the socially and politically discontented masses in another direction, the direction of least resistance. This they did by inciting the ignorant and intimidated lower classes against the defenseless Jews, who, they alleged, were responsible for the misery of the people. The Jews were represented as the exploiters of the people, as leeches, who sucked the blood of the peasant and robbed him of the fruits of his economic activity. Later, when the elemental forces of the revolution burst forth and whipped the waves of passion into high fury, the Jews were depicted by the agents of tsarism before the lowest classes of the people as the leaders of unrest and rebellion, who were rising against the Fatherland and the 'little Father' (the The Jewish pogroms coincide with the criti cal moments of the then regime and follow in scope and intensity a course parallel to that of the revolution.2 slaughter OF jews IN the ukraine.
Systembasiertes Volatilitätstrading: Konzeption eines Handelssystems auf Basis des Mean-Reversion Effektes der Volatilität. E-book. Formato PDF Elias Hamana - Diplomica Verlag, 2015 -
Vor dem Hintergrund politischer, zentralbankgetriebener Börsen und schwindender kurz- bis mittelfristiger Prognosefähigkeit fundamentaler Analysekriterien befasst sich das vorliegende Buch mit der Volatilität als Parameter für vorhandene Marktschwankungen. Die Volatilität wird hierbei zunächst vom Risikoparameter zur synthetischen Assetklasse umgewidmet und dabei in Abgrenzung zu anderen Assetklassen auf Spezifika im Kursverlauf untersucht.Auf der Grundlage der alternativen Darstellung notwendiger Grundlagen technischer Marktanalyse sowie in Anerkenntnis der Überlegenheit quantitativer Handelskonzepte münden die gewonnen Erkenntnisse in ein eigens entwickeltes Handelssystem. Das mit Algorithmen arbeitende automatisierte Handelssystem ist dabei auf das Trading des hergeleiteten Mean-Reversion Effektes der Volatilität ausgelegt.Über die Herleitung des Mean-Reversion Effektes der Volatilität und die hierauf basierende Entwicklung eines Handelssystems hinaus erfolgt ein in mehrfacher Hinsicht differenziertes Backtesting der Handelsergebnisse. Dieses führt zu einer ausgewogenen Validierung der Ergebnisse vorliegender Thesis und ermöglicht schließlich ein differenziertes Fazit.