Forrest Reid eBooks

eBooks di Forrest Reid di Formato Pdf
EBOOK   9780259628026

At the Door of the Gate. E-book. Formato PDF Forrest Reid   -  Forgotten Books, 2017  - 

Mrs. Wilberforce strongly objected to Myrtle Row. The eight cheap houses run up just at the end of Blenheim Gardens by a greedy landlord of plebeian and commercial instincts were a perpetual eyesore to her. In Blenheim Gardens resided eminent physicians, successful lawyers, distinguished professors, well-to-do business men - the élite, in short, of the middle class - and here for twenty years the Wilberforces themselves had lived, occupying the house with the creeper, next door to Professor Lanyon's; but in Myrtle Row there dwelt a person who inspected gas-meters, a clerk, a postman, a tram-conductor; while number eight, a double-house (also next door to Professor Lanyon's), stood revealed as a very unpretending post-office and lending library. Both Mrs. Wilberforce (whose grandfather had been a General) and Professor Lanyon had given notice when, in an incredibly short time. Myrtle Row had ceased to be the mere scheme of a vulgar brain and had become a conspicuous reality, and, though in due course their notices were withdrawn, it was very widely felt that the value of house property in the vicinity must have depreciated, and the occupants of Blenheim Gardens had unanimously and successfully demanded a reduction in their rents.

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EBOOK   9780259653028

The Spring Song. E-book. Formato PDF Forrest Reid   -  Forgotten Books, 2017  - 

'So fair a summer look for never more.' - Thomas Nashe.Leaning back against the leather cushion of the railway-carriage, Griffith Weston was conscious of an endless panorama of fields and meadows, of green hedges and white hawthorn, and blazing, yellow furze. The whole landscape was bathed in a crude glare of June sunlight, and the heat, and the vivid glittering light, and the rushing train, made his head ache.He wore a light, loose, flannel suit, without a waistcoat, and his wide short trousers left his knees bare. A dark olive-green silk tie brought out unnecessarily the sallowness of his complexion; his straw hat lay on the seat beside him. He was not in the least a handsome boy, but his expression was pleasing.

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EBOOK   9788833537627

Peter Waring. E-book. Formato PDF Forrest Reid   -  Lindau, 2021  - 

Peter Waring è un adolescente romantico e un po’ cupo, che ama la natura e la poesia e crede in fantasmi che non ha mai visto. Vive con suo padre in un villaggio costiero dell’Irlanda del Nord e ama passare i pomeriggi nella villa della signora Carroll. Quando però gli eleganti nipoti londinesi della signora trascorrono qualche settimana con la zia, Peter sperimenta i terrori e le gioie del primo amore. L’estate finisce, Katherine e Gerald ripartono e anche Peter deve trasferirsi a Belfast, presso una famiglia di odiatissimi parenti, per frequentare l’ultimo anno di scuola. Non è abbastanza per togliersi dalla mente Katherine: e fra nuove amicizie, feste e incontri di boxe, spuntano delle foto pornografiche a complicare ulteriormente la situazione. Forrest Reid viene oggi ricordato come uno dei più grandi romanzieri prebellici dell’Ulster. Con Peter Waring, considerato «un capolavoro» da E. M. Forster, ci regala una cronografia sentimentale, un romanzo di formazione interrotta, «uno splendido ritratto della confusione, delle goffaggini e dei tormenti dell’adolescenza».

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