G L Kittredge eBooks

eBooks di G L Kittredge di Formato Mobipocket
EBOOK   9786050373899

Grammatica inglese avanzata con esercizi. E-book. Formato Mobipocket G. L. Kittredge   -  Pubme, 2015  - 

Questa grammatica è pensata per studenti già in grado di padroneggiare i rudimenti della lingua.La prima parte tratta delle varie parti di cui sono composte le frasi concludendo con un riepilogo delle definizioni.Questo capitolo iniziale può essere utilizzato come revisione, se lo studente ha bisogno di rinfrescarsi la memoria.La seconda parte tratta delle inflessioni e della sintassi, include anche un capitolo sull'utilizzo delle subordinate, sostantivi, aggettivi e avverbi.La terza parte sviluppa il tema dell'analisi delle frasi studiandone i complementi, la combinazione, le relazioni grammaticali e logiche di coordinamento e di subordinazione in funzione del linguaggio.L'appendice fornisce liste di verbi, tavole di coniugazione, regole per i segni di punteggiatura, una sintesi di importanti regole di sintassi, e una breve storia della lingua inglese.Gli esercizi sono raccolti alla fine del testo, in modo da non interferire con l'omogeneità delle lezioni.

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EBOOK   9786050373363

Advanced english grammar with exercises. E-book. Formato Mobipocket George Lyman Kittredge   -  Pubme, 2015  - 

This grammar is intended for students who have already received instruction in the rudiments. Still, every such textbook must begin at the beginning. Part One, therefore, which occupies pp. 1–24, gives a succinct treatment of the Parts of Speech in the Sentence and of their substitutes, the Phrase and the Clause, concluding with a Summary of Definitions. Thus it clears the way for what follows, and may be utilized as a review, if the student needs to refresh his memory.Part Two deals specifically and fully with Inflections and Syntax (pp. 25–182). It includes also a chapter on the use of subordinate clauses as nouns, adjectives, and adverbs (pp. 157–162), as well as a chapter in which such clauses are logically classified in accordance with their particular offices in the expression of thought (pp. 163–182).Part Three (pp. 183–226) develops the subject of Analysis in its natural order, first explaining how sentences are put together, and then illustrating the process by which they may be resolved into their constituent parts. Modifiers and Complements are classified, and the so-called Independent Elements are discussed. There is added a special chapter on Combinations of Clauses, in which the grammatical and logical relations of coordination and subordination are set forth, and their functions in the effective use of language are considered. This portion of the book, it is hoped, will be especially useful to students of English composition.The Appendix furnishes lists of verbs, tables of conjugation, rules for capitals and marks of punctuation, a summary of important rules of syntax, and a brief history of the English language.The Exercises (pp. 227–290) are collected at the end of the text, so as not to break continuity.

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