John Clare eBooks
eBooks di John Clare di Formato Epub
Curarsi con i sogni: Un viaggio alla scoperta del mondo onirico: interpretare, pilotare e utilizzare i sogni per una vita più sana e felice. E-book. Formato EPUB Clare Johnson - Vallardi, 2018 -
LA TERAPIA DEL SOGNO LUCIDO: LA MINDFULNESS APPLICATA ALLA MENTE ONIRICA PER VIVERE PIÙ LIBERI E FELICI I sogni rappresentano emozioni, paure e desideri nascosti. Come un film proiettato dall’inconscio, rivelano gli stati più profondi della nostra mente. Per questo possono aiutarci a stare meglio nel corpo e nello spirito: consentono di sfogare emozioni negative e superare momenti difficili, stimolano la scoperta del nostro potenziale e aprono la strada verso soluzioni creative. Questi benefici sono ancora maggiori nel caso dei sogni lucidi perché, modificando il sogno, interveniamo sulle strutture inconsce che ci impediscono di vivere pienamente.Questo libro insegna a ricordare meglio i sogni, ci fa conoscere una ricca casistica onirica e spiega diverse tecniche: potremo così diventare oniroterapeuti di noi stessi, scoprendo un nuovo rapporto incredibilmente fecondo e creativo con la parte più misteriosa della nostra mente. Una guida ricca di suggerimenti ed esempi, scritta dalla migliore esperta del sogno lucido, per:• diventare onironauti in 50 semplici esercizi • interpretare ed elaborare i sogni• superare lutti e traumi• migliorare la salute psicofisica • stimolare la creatività
Clare's poems. E-book. Formato EPUB John Clare - John Clare, 2016 -
That some of Clare’s poems belong of right to the excellent things of this earth admits of no dispute. A worshipper of Nature, by whom he was surely appointed to be one of her chief historians, he revelled in her manifestations, whether they showed in the higher heaven of blue or in the lower heaven of green. He was, if the phrases may pass muster, a gossip of the rainbow, a crony of the flowers. His heart was not less slow than that of Wordsworth to leap up with joy when he beheld standing across the sky, its feet treading the horizon, the most splendid triumphal arch ever devised; and though it was not granted him to render homage to his mistress in such large accents as those which fell from the lips of his great brother in song, he paid for her love and favours in music far from perishable, as may be noted by all who will read the pieces that have been selected for this volume from the “Rural Muse.”
Clare's poems. E-book. Formato EPUB John Clare - Books On Demand, 2018 -
That some of Clare's poems belong of right to the excellent things of this earth admits of no dispute. A worshipper of Nature, by whom he was surely appointed to be one of her chief historians, he revelled in her manifestations, whether they showed in the higher heaven of blue or in the lower heaven of green. He was, if the phrases may pass muster, a gossip of the rainbow, a crony of the flowers. His heart was not less slow than that of Wordsworth to leap up with joy when he beheld standing across the sky, its feet treading the horizon, the most splendid triumphal arch ever devised; and though it was not granted him to render homage to his mistress in such large accents as those which fell from the lips of his great brother in song, he paid for her love and favours in music far from perishable, as may be noted by all who will read the pieces that have been selected for this volume from the 'Rural Muse.'