Lucke eBooks

eBooks di Lucke di Formato Pdf
EBOOK   9780243612826

Gas Engine Design. E-book. Formato PDF Charles Edward Lucke   -  Forgotten Books, 2017  - 

All those whose interests have demanded such a quantitative knowledge of the gas — engine, either for probable output and econ omy or for the stresses in and proper strength of resisting engine parts, have met with difficulty in finding reliable data for reference, as there is no book in English treating exclusively of this side of the subject. The data here presented are the result of many years' collection and personal experience, and were first classified in the present form for lecture use before my classes at Columbia Univer sity. The increase in quantity of material during the last few years made it seem desirable to publish the notes in as closely condensed a form as possible consistent with clearness.

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EBOOK   9780243620432

Power. E-book. Formato PDF Charles E. Lucke   -  Forgotten Books, 2017  - 

IT is the object of the series of lectures included in this volume to point out the enormous effect that the substi tution of mechanical power for hand and animal labor has had on the organization of society and the conditions of living, and by presenting the development of power machinery to show what sort of ideas have produced this result. The effect of power machinery is soon told and readily understood; but it is not so easy, though far more important, to show how the men who are responsible for what has been done have thought and worked, and with What kind of things and with what reasoning those men must deal who are to take up the responsibility for future progress. The bulk of the subject-matter, accordingly, is concerned with the apparatus and machinery for the converting of natural energy in any of its available forms into useful work, together with the physical processes for the execution of which that apparatus was devised.

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EBOOK   9783842801240

Weltmusik in Deutschland: Multikulturelle Musik in den Medien. E-book. Formato PDF Frank Lücke   -  Diplomica Verlag, 2011  - 

Diese medienwissenschaftliche Untersuchung gibt einen Überblick über das Genre der Weltmusik in den deutschen Medien. Betrachtet werden zunächst die geschichtlichen Entwicklungen bis zur Einführung dieser Repertoirekategorie und der Weltmusikwelle Ende der 1980er. Anschließend stellt der Autor die Frage, wie präsent Weltmusik in den jeweiligen Medienkanälen heute ist, stellt die Rahmenbedingungen von Fernsehen, Hörfunk, Musik- und Printveröffentlichungen sowie Neuen Medien entsprechend dar und charakterisiert Erscheinungen wie Weltmusik-Festivals. Der umstrittene Begriff wird dabei fortlaufend hinterfragt, ohne sich dabei in Deutungen der Begrifflichkeit zu verlieren und sich damit in den veralteten Diskurs einzureihen. Diese Studie gibt auf die oft gestellte Frage "Was ist eigentlich Weltmusik?" auf eine andere Art Antwort: indem sie das Geschehen, die Formen und die Bedingungen, in denen diese Musikformen in den Medien stattfinden, klar und verständlich beschreibt.

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