Madeline Bosio eBooks
eBooks di Madeline Bosio di Formato Epub
A psychotherapy? No... A Lifetime.... E-book. Formato EPUB Madeline Bosio - Maddalena Bosio, 2020 -
Sometimes the therapeutic journey brings up a strong need to “fix” its most significant stages. So it happens that the person discovers a poetic vein in speaking and narrating. It’s owing to this, that a client was able to track a pathway, to write a story of sorrow and of memories, nice and unpleasant; that the protagonist of the therapeutic process caught in her memory, slowly, slowly. And equally slowly, slowly she shaped the emerging figures in the fog with the aid of her psychotherapist. This piece of work shall lead the reader into the secrets of a therapy that turns out to be the research of the “true” story of the childhood of everyone of us. Each poem testifies how difficult it is to recall the past, to rebuild it through the renewal of emotions, anguish, experienced and concealed, until you find their sense by means of a crude, maybe cruel rereading of reality. It’s as if we have many pieces of a puzzle of which we have lost the picture.
Short-Circuit and betrayal in child sexual abuse. E-book. Formato EPUB Madeline Bosio - Maddalena Bosio, 2020 -
The book describes a research in the field of child sex abuse. The intent is to point out specific aspects which will lead to a complete psychological recovery from trauma using the “Experiential Model” and moving back to the roots of the traumatic experience. The fact fostering a “total healing” is the individuation of the uncompleted “existential act”, interrupted at the moment of the “molesting act”. The specific aspect has to do with a “specific need” in the victim’s story.
YOU SHALL THANK YOUR ENEMIES AND LOVE YOUR STORY. E-book. Formato EPUB Madeline Bosio - Maddalena Bosio, 2020 -
The book explains and describes the pathways leading to neurotic behaviours, beginning from early years of life, when we set up behavioural patterns that turn out to be fallatious, as regard our needs as well as our interactions with others. There are dreams which are defensive constructions in the name of unsatisfied needs of our childhood; against realities and family dynamics too different and dangerous to cope with, in a developmental stage when a child has no instruments to face or deal with such “troubled waters”. Certain fears in adulthood, overwhelming though irrational to intellect, are the outcome of those moments, when a child was unable to face reality, being at the mercy of oneself, impotent, thus in danger and without a protecting caregiver. In this healing process, shared with a psychotherapist, in a long and painful revisitation of what occured, the unveiling of an emotional world silenced long ago, we dismantle paths built with so much struggle. When we plough into the past with the “experiential” model, there will be a change in our way of being and an enrichment in our interactions with others. The book has a second part dealing with sex abuse in childhood and disruptive relationships.