Michael Finocchiaro eBooks

eBooks di Michael Finocchiaro di Formato Epub
EBOOK   9791037739278

Sophie's Playlist - The Gramble Chronicles IRoman. E-book. Formato EPUB Michael Finocchiaro   -  Le Lys Bleu Éditions, 2021  - 

Simultaneously a story of initiation, a thriller, and a love story, Sophie’s Playlist – The Gramble Chronicles I takes the reader with a beating drum on a voyage through time and space from the 70s to the 90s and the present, between Paris and Miami with stops in Tokyo, Singapore, and even in Purgatory as described by Dante. The book is set against the background of crossed destinies of a pair of identical twins, Sophie and Adele, and those of three cousins Gramble, Samuel, and Stephen. It deals with the quest for self-identity while also looking at love in all its forms (romantic, sensual, filial, and platonic) and is full of both suspense and sensuality. Soundtracks are available on Spotify and Deezer so that the reader can listen to the music and feel a stronger connection to the narrative.ABOUT THE AUTHORMichael Finocchiaro is an American expat from Miami, Florida who has been living for the past quarter century in Paris, France. He has a long background in IT, but has always been interested in history, art, and literature. Inspired by some of his favorite authors – Faulkner, Dostoyevsky, Pynchon, Proust, and Joyce, he wrote his first novel Sophie’s Playlist after a particularly strange but interesting dream.

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EBOOK   9791037738271

La playlist de Sophie - Les chroniques de Gramble 1Roman. E-book. Formato EPUB Michael Finocchiaro   -  Le Lys Bleu Éditions, 2021  - 

La playlist de Sophie - Les chroniques de Gramble I nous entraîne tambour battant dans un voyage spatio-temporel entre les années 70 et l’époque actuelle, avec même quelques incursions dans l’Au-delà et le purgatoire. À travers les destins croisés de deux sœurs jumelles et de trois cousins associés malgré eux à un trafic de drogue orchestré par le cartel en Floride, l’auteur nous promène dans les sentiers de l’amour sous toutes ses formes.À PROPOS DE L'AUTEURMichael Finocchiaro mêle sensualité et suspense dans une quête d’identité et de réalisation de soi face au poids des rapports à travers des différents générations. Originaire de Floride, aux États-Unis, il habite à Paris depuis plus de 25 ans. La playlist de Sophie - Les chroniques de Gramble I est son premier roman.

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