
Paul Moore eBooks

eBooks di Paul Moore di Formato Epub

The Last Hunt. E-book. Formato EPUB

The Last Hunt. E-book. Formato EPUB

Paul Moore 
edizioni Delos Digital collana , 2019

Fumetto - graphic novel (0 pagine) - Una storia dal sapore tarantiniano che vede la razza umana alle prese con la colonizzazione della Via Lattea.In un futuro distopico lontano secoli dal nostro tempo, le radiazioni hanno trasformato la Terra in un deserto arido e inospitale, costringendo gli uomini a cercare nuove...

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Biker Gurls. E-book. Formato EPUB

Biker Gurls. E-book. Formato EPUB

Paul Moore 
edizioni pinkflamingo collana , 2011

“The place was packed with women dressed in leather and denim, studded arm bands and cabalistic jewelry, women with barbaric piercings and tattoos, women with spiked hair dyed unnatural colors, crew cut women, and women shorn. They shouted endearments, bellowed laughter, and snarled challenges. They leaned together...

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Caged Sisters. E-book. Formato EPUB

Caged Sisters. E-book. Formato EPUB

Paul Moore 
edizioni pinkflamingo collana , 2004

"What did Peejay Rawlings offer you to help him railroad a couple of innocent women? Was it money or promotions maybe sex?" Her teeth clicked shut on the last word. Sex was a part of it, of course. The older cop had made that clear from the start. Mere confinement could be the least of her worries. She had seen enough...

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Wild Game. E-book. Formato EPUB

Wild Game. E-book. Formato EPUB

Paul Moore 
edizioni pinkflamingo collana , 2003

Note: illustrations will appear only in the Microsoft version of this book. Crystal is completely devoted to her Mistress mind, body and soul. Even the cruel tests of endurance and loyalty that her Mistress subjects her to leave her fidelity unshaken. During a Summer outing, however, Mistress proposes a simple game...

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