Robb eBooks
eBooks di Robb di Formato Pdf
The Works John Robinson, Pastor of the Pilgrim Fathers: With a Memoir and Annotations. E-book. Formato PDF Robbert Ashton - Forgotten Books, 2017 -
The Committee of the Congregational Union of England and Wales originated the "Wycliffe Society" in 1843, for the purpose of reprinting "the more rare and important Tracts and Treatises of the Puritans and Nonconformists of Great Britain."The Society was not able, from a variety of causes, to publish more than two volumes 8vo. of the intended series: one entitled "Tracts and Treatises of John de Wycliffe;" and the other, "Select Works" of the Rev. David Clarkson, B.D.Preparations had been made for reprinting the entire works of the Rev. John Robinson; but these were suspended till a more favourable opportunity should present itself for introducing them to the public.A growing desire for Puritan History and Literature having been created, within the last few years, the subject of reprinting Robinson's Works was again considered by the Committee of the Congregational Union, and at their request a paper was read by the Editor at the Autumnal Assembly of the Union, held at Southampton, in October, 1850, containing proposals for the republication of the Works.The project was approved by the Assembly, and the Editor was urged to complete his preparations.
Wegwijzer voor modellen voor organisatievolwassenheid bij projectmanagement. E-book. Formato PDF Robbert Alen - Van Haren Publishing, 2009 -
Dit boek is het resultaat van een onderzoek door een werkgroep van IPMA Nederland. Het beschrijft op basis van door de auteurs geformuleerde criteria hoe de verschillende volwassenheidsmodellen zich van elkaar onderscheiden (longlist van alle getraceerde volwassenheidsmodellen);Beschrijft de individuele kenmerken van de geselecteerde volwassenheidsmodellen: CMMi, MINCE, OPM3, P3M3;Legt uit hoe de geselecteerde volwassenheidsmodellen zich onderling verhouden;Geeft aan wat de sterke en zwakke kanten van de geselecteerde volwassenheidsmodellen zijn.
You know me. E-book. Formato PDF Robbie Williams - Rizzoli, 2011 -
A sedici anni, Robert Peter Williams entra a far parte di una boy-band e gli viene dato un nuovo nome: da allora tutti lo conoscono come Robbie Williams, una delle star più amate e controverse del pop. Dall'esplosione con i Take That alla sfavillante carriera solista, questo libro è un racconto per parole e immagini (scelte da lui stesso) di vent'anni esaltanti e turbolenti su e giù dal palco, tra provocazioni e insicurezze, folle oceaniche e periodi di isolamento, cliniche di disintossicazione e continue rinascite.