Roger De Felice eBooks
eBooks di Roger De Felice di Formato Pdf
French Furniture Under Louis XVI and the Empire. E-book. Formato PDF Roger De Félice - Forgotten Books, 2017 -
Word, the ordinary product of this epoch has nothing to call for any infatuated devotion. A very wide — awake collector may still, from time to time, pick up in the heart of Paris, and for a mere song, authentic Jacobs unrecognised by the seller who has them tucked away in his sh0p, but they are becoming rare, and by the side of these lovely things, pure in line, sometimes with exquisite curves and of superior craftsmanship, how many dull flat horrors there are that have not even the excuse of being unpretentious.
French Furniture Under Louis XIV. E-book. Formato PDF Roger De Félice - Forgotten Books, 2017 -
The Louis XIV style is one that chance has endowed with a splendid name, Louis Ouatorze. . . . Those sonorous, sumptuous syllables, as rich as the gold of the Gallery of Mirrors at Versailles, are they not in themselves completely expressive ? If the Louis XV style was to express a whole society of voluptuous refinement, the Louis XIV style is verily the style of the King.