William Hope eBooks
eBooks di William Hope di Formato Pdf
Carnacki, el cazafantasmas. E-book. Formato PDF William Hope Hodgson - Rebelión Editorial, 2021 -
Carnacki, el cazafantasmas es una colección de cuentos sobrenaturales de detectives del autor William Hope Hodgson cuyo protagonista es Thomas Carnacki. Fue publicado por primera vez en 1913 por la editora inglesa Eveleigh Nash.Carnacki, fuma en pipa y tiene la incorregible costumbre de invitar a cenar sin previo aviso a sus cuatro amigos, Jessop, Arkright, Taylor y Dodgson, el narrador. Relajados tras la cena, Carnacki relata a sus atónitos invitados su última aventura contra las fuerzas del más allá. Sus armas: un pentáculo mágico, grimorios o antiguos rituales de libros ocultistas.Carnacki, el cazafantasmas reúne las nueve historias de Carnacki escritas por Hodgson: «La Cosa invisible» (una daga hechizada cobra vida y ataca sin que nadie la empuñe), «La puerta del monstruo» (una visita al reino de donde provienen los espíritus), «La casa entre los laureles» (un caso de habitación embrujada), «La habitación que silbaba» (una de las más tenebrosas historias de la carrera del detective) «El investigador de la última casa» (la casa familiar de Carnacki es poseída por extraños sonidos y un agobiante aroma), «El caballo invisible» (quizá la mejor y más terrorífica de la colección), «El encantamiento del Jarvee» (unas extrañas fuerzas sobrenaturales se apoderan de un barco), «El hallazgo» (sobre el descubrimiento de la segunda copia de un libro único), y «El cerdo» (la historia más extensa, espeluznante y perturbadora de la serie).
Simplified Phonetic Shorthand: An American Exposition of the Isaac Pitman Phonography. E-book. Formato PDF William Hope - Forgotten Books, 2017 -
These Lessons in Isaac Pitman's Phonography, and the Language Lessons accompanying them, have been prepared chiefly by William Hope, A. B,, C. A., the senior shorthand instructor of the New York Business College. The work of the subscriber has consisted largely in revision and arrangement.Mr. Hope has been a practical reporter and teacher of shorthand for thirty years. His success as an instructor, the field to which he has more recently been devoted, has been rarely equalled and never surpassed, as thousands of grateful pupils willingly testify. His ability and authority as a stenographer are equally unquestioned. It is therefore confidently believed that in offering the fruit of his experience to shorthand students, we present a plan of study which will greatly lighten their labors.Language, Correspondence, Typewriting and Penmanship Lessons are now in press which will make a fitting accompaniament to the Shorthand Lessons. It is believed that they will afford exercises in spelling and longhand writing, punctuation, capitalizing, word studies, letter writing and composition which will result in the greatest benefit to the ambitious student. They are so arranged as to meet the demands of the students progress, and if faithfully mastered, in accordance with directions, will render that progress thorough and rapid.The subscriber extends his grateful acknowledgements to his colaborers for the untiring zeal and energy they have shown in preparing this work.