William Painter eBooks

eBooks di William Painter di Formato Pdf
EBOOK   9780259672746

The Palace of Pleasure: Elizabethan Versions of Italian and French Novels From Boccaccio, Bandello, Cinthio, Straparola, Queen Margaret of Navarre, and Others. E-book. Formato PDF William Painter   -  Forgotten Books, 2017  - 

The present edition of Painter's "Palace of Pleasure," the storehouse of Elizabethan plot, follows page for page and line for line the privately printed and very limited edition made by Joseph Haslewood in 1813. One of the 172 copies then printed by him has been used as "copy" for the printer, but this has been revised in proof from the British Museum examples of the second edition of 1575. The collation has for the most part only served to confirm Haslewood's reputation for careful editing. Though the present edition can claim to come nearer the original in many thousands of passages, it is chiefly in the mint and cummin of capitals and italics that we have been able to improve on Haslewood: in all the weightier matters of editing he shows only the minimum of fallibility. We have however divided his two tomes, for greater convenience, into three volumes of as nearly as possible equal size. This arrangement has enabled us to give the title pages of both editions of the two tomes, those of the first edition in facsimile, those of the second (at the beginning of vols. ii. and iii.) with as near an approach to the original as modern founts of type will permit.I have also reprinted Haslewood's "Preliminary Matter," which give the Dryasdust details about the biography of Painter and the bibliography of his book in a manner not too Dryasdust.

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EBOOK   9780259672982

The Palace of Pleasure: Elizabethan Versions of Italian and French Novels From Boccaccio, Bandello, Cinthio, Straparola, Queen Margaret of Navarre, and Others. E-book. Formato PDF William Painter   -  Forgotten Books, 2017  - 

In the Citie of Siena in Italie there was a rich yong Gentleman called Galgano, borne of noble birth, actiue, and wel trained in al kinde of exercife, valiaunt, braue, ftoute and curteous, in the maners and orders of all countries verye fkilfull. This Galgano loued a Gentlewoman of Siena named Madonna Minoccia, the wyfe of fir Stricca a comely knight, and wore in his apparell the colour and deuifes of his Lady, bearing the fame vppon his helmet and armour, in all luftes, Tourneyes and triumphes, obferuing noble feafles and banquettes for her fake. But for all thofe coftly, fumptuous and noble praftifes, this Lady Minoccia in no wyfe would giue eare vnto his futes. Wherfore Galgano at his wittes ende, was voyde of aduife what to do or faye, feing the great crueltie and rigor raigning in her brefte, vnto whom bee dayle prayed for better fuccefle and fortune than to himfelfe. There was no feaft, banquet, triumph, or mariage, but Galgano was there, to do her humble feruice, and that daye his minde was not pleafed and contented, wherein he had not feene her that had his louing harte in full pofleffion.

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