Antonella Castelletta eBooks
eBooks di Antonella Castelletta
Nessun altro posto è come casa!. E-book. Formato EPUB Antonella Castelletta - Ilmiolibro Self Publishing, 2019 -
Nel 2028, Valentina e Alessandro, due giovani fratelli in carriera, decidono di fare ritorno a casa in occasione dei compleanni dei loro genitori. Durante una cena, Valentina annuncia di volersi sposare e di volere la cerimonia proprio lì in quella casa. Più tardi il padre rivelerà di essere in trattative per vendere l'azienda di famiglia. Per la mamma sarà una inevitabile ondata di emozioni e per voi un finale a sorpresa.
GRANDI SPERANZE. E-book. Formato EPUB Antonella Castelletta - Ilmiolibro Self Publishing, 2019 -
In un piccolo paesino nel Nord dell' Italia, un fatto straordinario sconvolge la vita di tutti gli abitanti: una fortunata vincita di parecchi milioni da parte di qualcuno di loro che però vuole rimanere anonimo. Più della metà di questa vincita viene regalata a loro con precise regole per farne buon uso. A quattro donne, molto amiche tra di loro, viene dato il compito di metterle in pratica. Una di loro è appena guarita da un cancro al seno. Sopra tutti vigilerà un angelo custode. Intorno tanta tanta musica.
Big Hopes. E-book. Formato EPUB Antonella Castelletta - Vertigo Edizioni, 2022 -
An incredible win: 50 million euros. The lucky winner wants to remain anonymous, but their choice takes a small village by surprise. In particular, four close friends, Giulia, Michela, Anna and Francesca are stunned when a lawyer tells them that this benefactor has chosen them to handle this huge sum of money. The purpose is to help needy people pay their taxes, fix and improve the local hospital, support research and disease prevention and renovate abandoned houses. The four women are initially confused by the unusual proposal but waste no time and in a few weeks, they turn their village into a building site. The anonymous benefactor’s only request is that they continue to organise concerts in the spirit of the past, such as the Christmas concert when their choir and band cheer everyone up with music and good humour. Everyone is curious about this incredible benefactor, whose identity will only be discovered at the end, leaving them all astonished. Perhaps a guardian angel put a hand in all these human matters.Big hopes is a tale of courage and friendship that shows how anything is possible with the help of others.Antonella Castelletta was born in Novara in 1964. She lived in Turin, where she attended scientific high school. For her, the return to her native province was inevitable. After 25 years of marriage, two children, a divorce and a family job, to which she still dedicates herself, she found new stimuli and new emotions in writing short stories. In the few spare moments she takes from her work as a delicatessen artisan, she begins writing stories on simple sheets of paper which she then writes down on her computer in the evening. Being a keen music listener, she brought her passion for music into this story. In this book we find descriptions of the places where she lives: the Novara hills, Lake Maggiore and Lake Orta.