
Ellen E eBooks

eBooks di Ellen E

Come viaggeremo nel tempo. Una guida scientifica alle scorciatoie del nostro universo. E-book. Formato EPUB

Come viaggeremo nel tempo. Una guida scientifica alle scorciatoie del nostro universo. E-book. Formato EPUB

Ellen Everett 
edizioni Il Saggiatore collana , 2016

Possiamo viaggiare nel tempo? Riusciremo mai a prendere scorciatoie in grado di coprire le distanze interstellari in pochi secondi? La fantascienza – da Star Trek a Interstellar, passando per i più diversi tipi di incontri ravvicinati – ci ha abituato a salti nell’iperspazio, esplorazioni intergalattiche, ipervelocità,...

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Old Scottish Customs, Local and General. E-book. Formato PDF

Old Scottish Customs, Local and General. E-book. Formato PDF

Ellen Emma Guthrie 
edizioni Forgotten Books collana , 2017

In placing before the reading public this small book on a great subject, it may be desirable to give a few words of explanation regarding its compilation. Some fifteen or sixteen years ago, in connection with other literary work regarding parochial and local matters throughout Scotland, the writer had occasion to consult...

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€ 7.85
The Character Building Readers. E-book. Formato PDF

The Character Building Readers. E-book. Formato PDF

Ellen E. Kenyon 
edizioni Forgotten Books collana , 2017

IT is intended that the child who studies this number of the Character Building series shall have greatly impressed upon him as he proceeds through the book the fact that we in a great measure are responsible for our conduct and its results, good and bad. This may be taught in so many ways and connections, that a greater...

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€ 7.85
Murillo. E-book. Formato PDF

Murillo. E-book. Formato PDF

Ellen E. Minor 
edizioni Forgotten Books collana , 2017

Seville Academy — pupils — paintings for Cathedral Chapter-room — invitation to Court — canonization of King Ferdinand decoration of All Saints Chapel.

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€ 56.85