Handerson eBooks
eBooks di Handerson
Concealing-Coloration in the Animal Kingdom: An Exposition of the Laws of Disguise, Through Color and Pattern; Being a Summary of Abbott H. Thayer's Discoveries. E-book. Formato PDF Gerald Handerson Thayer - Forgotten Books, 2017 -
For the most part, we do not draw hypothetical conclusions from facts; but we reveal certain beautiful facts hitherto unknown; we disclose and ex plain the remarkable power of several naturally applied laws of optical illu sion — as these applications stand, by whatever causes produced, and as all may see them. That is, we show and analyze the concealing-power of the colors of animals as they exist to — day. The illustrations are of particular importance, inasmuch as they include what we believe to be the first scientific paintings ever published of animals lighted as they actually are in Nature. This will be explained in detail later on. The colored pictures have been painted either from mounted specimens, as in the cases of the Grouse, the Wood Duck, and the Peacocks, or from live captives, as in the cases of the Snake and all the Caterpillars. The picture of the Grouse is a faithful copy of a specimen in a house-lighting arti ficially arranged to correspond to that which the live bird in the forest would normally have; while the background was painted from photographs and outdoor color sketches. The Snake is the joint production of A. H. Thayer, Rockwell Kent, and G. H. Thayer. Three of the caterpillar pictures are contributed by Louis A. Fuertes. The Bird of Paradise sketch is largely the work of Mrs. A. H. Thayer; likewise most of the background in the rab bit picture, the diagrams oi 'ruptive' coloration, and two or three black-and white diagrammatic drawings; besides a good deal of contributive work here and there on other paintings; and an immense amount of miscellaneous labor, invaluable advice and criticism, at almost every point.
Gilbertus Anglicus: Medicine of the Thirteenth Century. E-book. Formato Mobipocket Henry E. Handerson - Kore Enterprises, 2018 -
In the summer of 1916 the librarian of the Cleveland Medical Library received a manuscript from Dr. Henry E. Handerson with the request that it be filed for reference in the archives of the library. The librarian at once recognized the value of the paper and referred it to the editorial board of the Cleveland Medical Journal, who sought the privilege of publishing it. Dr. Handerson's consent was secured and the article was set in type. However, when the time came for its publication the author was reluctant to have it appear since he was unable then to read the proof, and because he felt that the material present might not be suitable for publication in a clinical journal. To those who knew him, this painstaking attention to detail and desire for accuracy presents itself as a familiar characteristic. Though actual publication was postponed, the type forms were held, and when the Cleveland Medical Journal suspended publication, its editorial board informed the Council of the Cleveland Medical Library Association of the valuable material which it had been unable to give to the medical world. In the meantime Dr. Handerson's death had occurred, but the Council obtained the generous consent of the author's family to make this posthumous publication. It is hoped that those who read will bear this fact in mind and will be lenient in the consideration of typographical errors, of which the author was so fearful.