Maria Grazia Branchetti eBooks
eBooks di Maria Grazia Branchetti
Handbook of micromosaicist. E-book. Formato EPUB Maria Grazia Branchetti - Gangemi Editore, 2016 -
One often feels the need to perform an artistic activity to find oneself and recreate spiritual balance. Whoever wishes to learn the mechanisms behind a micromosaic will discover endless creative possibilities by playing with its plasticity and colours. The technique provides countless opportunities to experiment. Making micromosaics requires enthusiasm, tenacity, curiosity, comparisons and the study of history of art. It is challenging and demands a spirit of self-sacrifice. But after mastering the technique, the way ahead becomes easy and extremely satisfying. The purpose of this handbook, based on personal experience, is to hopefully inform the public at large and encourage young people to undertake an artistic education that will open the doors of a fascinating hands-on activity. Experimentation and the search for new subject-matter and applications can be as satisfying as it was in the past. ROBERTO GRIECO Born in Rionero in Vulture (Potenza) on September 4, 1956, painter, stageset designer, master mosaicist at the Vatican Mosaic Study from 1978 to 2004. For years he has studied micromosaics and its modern applications. Author of two books: “Roman mosaic” 2001 and “Micromosaici romani” 2008, as well as several presentations on micromosaics.
Mosaici minuti romani. Collezione Savelli: tabacchiere, tavoli, placche, gioielli, fermacarte. E-book. Formato EPUB Maria Grazia Branchetti - Gangemi Editore, 2016 -
La collezione di mosaici minuti Savelli, con le sue oltre trecento opere rappresentative di un arco produttivo che parte dall’ultimo quarto del Settecento per arrivare alla fine dell’Ottocento, si configura come pienamente esemplificativa di una fase importante della storia artistica romana e di quella delle arti decorative in genere. In questo catalogo se ne rende nota una significativa selezione comprendente opere capaci di documentare le problematiche di carattere tecnico-stilistico, le tipologie di utilizzo, i generi iconografici con cui la tecnica si confronta negli oltre suoi cento anni di vita. Della selezione fanno parte quadri, tavoli, fermacarte, tabacchiere, gioielli ma anche una serie significativa di placche nel loro supporto originario.
Handbook of micromosaicist. E-book. Formato PDF Maria Grazia Branchetti - Gangemi Editore, 2016 -
One often feels the need to perform an artistic activity to find oneself and recreate spiritual balance. Whoever wishes to learn the mechanisms behind a micromosaic will discover endless creative possibilities by playing with its plasticity and colours. The technique provides countless opportunities to experiment. Making micromosaics requires enthusiasm, tenacity, curiosity, comparisons and the study of history of art. It is challenging and demands a spirit of self-sacrifice. But after mastering the technique, the way ahead becomes easy and extremely satisfying. The purpose of this handbook, based on personal experience, is to hopefully inform the public at large and encourage young people to undertake an artistic education that will open the doors of a fascinating hands-on activity. Experimentation and the search for new subject-matter and applications can be as satisfying as it was in the past. ROBERTO GRIECO Born in Rionero in Vulture (Potenza) on September 4, 1956, painter, stageset designer, master mosaicist at the Vatican Mosaic Study from 1978 to 2004. For years he has studied micromosaics and its modern applications. Author of two books: “Roman mosaic” 2001 and “Micromosaici romani” 2008, as well as several presentations on micromosaics.