Tanija Hammer eBooks
eBooks di Tanija Hammer
The Weightless Philosophy of AbundanceInspiration for a weightless, free, light-hearted, multidimensional life in abundance and consciousness.. E-book. Formato EPUB Tanija Hammer - Books On Demand, 2021 -
Philosophy of Abundance - The Philosophy of a New Divine Age This book takes you through our reality and well beyond it with a completely new perspective. The book provides deep insight into the world of energy, consciousness, and resonance and provides an outlook on a weightless and free life in abundance, gratitude, and awareness. The energetic truth, shaped in a physical form and explained philosophically, psychologically, physically, biologically, spiritually, lovingly, consciously, humorously, logically, and illogically. This is a work of art in its own right and has the potential to design paradise.The Philosophy of Weightless Abundance.The reminderof your ingenuity. The empowerment to true freedom. The inspiration for your awareness and your heart. The invitation to get you going and to live holistically.Inspiration for a weightless, free, light-hearted, multidimensional life in abundance and consciousness.Writings of a very different New Testament.The Hammer-Inspiration for new and previously unimaginable infinite possibilities !
Asking Creates Miracles - Ask and you shall receiveHow to catapult yourself and your life into a new dimension ( Inspiration x Creativity ) ². E-book. Formato EPUB Tanija Hammer - Books On Demand, 2020 -
The Book of 1000 Questions and Infinite Possibilities:Ask and you shall receive - Question and experience the answer!There is not a single answer in this book. It contains only questions.Questions empower - answers disempower!Here is the concentrated energy of the questions that empower you and lead you to a divine, free, orgastic and wonderful life.It is all a question of asking.One single question can change your life. A life full of questions can change all our lives.This book is your upgrade, the trampoline that catapults your life, love and work into a new dimension and makes you the director of your life and the true creator. (Inspiration x Creativity)²Experience the best of yourself - grow beyond and rise above yourself!The book accesses the knowledge that everyone already has and leads you to the memory, to your origin, to your heart and to the connection with you, the people, the knowledge and the infinite possibilities.Create yourself and your world as you like it.The book works with the law of resonance. It inspires you to dive into the energy that you truly are and to be the vibration that connects and resonates with what you want to live and experience from the heart.Questions are also energy and create an oscillation which in turn resonates at the same frequency.In this way, questions not only create a consciousness for yourself and remind you of your inner truth, but also draw the events and experiences into your life that are your answers to the questions.The questions are energetically enriched by pictures from the series ARTanija.Intuitive guide for creators and those who want to become creators.
Schwerelose FüllosophieDie Erinnerung an deine Genialität - Das ganz neue Testament. E-book. Formato EPUB Tanija Hammer - Books On Demand, 2020 -
Füllosophie - Die Philosophie der Neuen Zeit! Die faszinierende `Wissenschaft für sich` offenbart die energetische Wahrheit des Menschseins, der Schöpfung, der Energie, des Bewusstseins, der Schwingung, der Resonanz und der universellen Gesetze.Dieses Buch führt dich mit einem völlig neuen Blickwinkel durch unsere Realität und weit darüber hinaus. Es öffnet deinen Blick ganzheitlich und deine Wahrnehmung fürs Unendliche.Die energetische Wahrheit, in physische Form gebracht und philosophisch, psychologisch, physikalisch, biologisch, spirituell, liebevoll, bewusst, humorvoll, logisch und unlogisch erklärt.Dieses Werk gibt Bewusstsein und tiefen Einblick in unsere Körper, die Gesundheit, Corona-Virus, unsere Macht-/Gesellschaftssysteme, unsere Beziehungen, die Dualität, die Materie, das Geld, die Erde, die Polarität, das Universum, Gott und die Urquelle allen SEINS. Es gibt Ausblick in die Zukunft und praktische Anleitung, wie das Fliegen, das Beamen, die energetische Kommunikation, die Verjüngung, die Co-Kreation mit der Erde und dem Universum und die Manifestation der Visionen möglich wird.Schwerelose Füllosophie - Impulse für ein schwereloses, freies, mehrdimensionales Leben in Fülle und Bewusstsein.Das Werk, das dich und die Welt verändern kann. Ein ganz Neues Testament.Die Inspiration für dein Bewusstsein und dein Herz.Die Erinnerung an deine Genialität. Die Ermächtigung zu wahrer Freiheit.Die Einladung, dich in Schwingung zu bringen und ganzheitlich zu leben. Die Hammer-Inspiration zu neuen - bisher unvorstellbaren Möglichkeiten!Ein Gesamtkunstwerk mit dem Potenzial zur Paradiesgestaltung.