Psychology eBooks
eBooks Psychology
Family-Based Treatment in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, An Issue of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, E-Book. E-book. Formato EPUB Michelle L. Rickerby - Elsevier, 2015 -
This publication in Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics is led by two renown psychiatric physicians specializing in family based treatments for children and adolescents: Dr. Michell Rickerby and Dr. Thomas Roesler. The audience for this clinically focused resource includes Child & Adolescent Psychiatrists; any professional doing treatments involving families: Primary Care doctors, Mental Health Nurse Practitioners, Social Workers, and Psychology Counselors. Features include Clinical Case Vignettes and Evidence based summaries.Topics include: In the section covering "The Big Picture" - Historical Overview of Family Interventions in Child Psychiatry;. Family Focused Evaluation and Intervention in Child Psychiatry ; Overview of the Evidence Base for Family Interventions in Child Psychiatry; and Family Based Integrated Care in Child Psychiatry- Training and Implementation. In the section focusing on Illness-Specific Family-Based Interventions are topics on: Family Based Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; Family Based Intervention for Early Childhood Disorders; Family Based Interventions for Childhood Trauma; Family-Based Treatment of Eating Disorders; Family Beliefas and Interventions in Pediatric Pain Management; Multisystemic Treatment for Externalizing Disorders; Fa ily Interventions for Mood and Psychotic Disorders; and Family Intervention in Adolescent Substance Abuse. Finally there is discussion of Network Interventions in Pervasive Developmental Disorders.
The Ego and the Id. E-book. Formato EPUB Sigmund Freud - Reading Essentials, 2018 -
In what is considered one of his most prominent ideas, Austrian psychiatrist, Sigmund Freud explains the dynamic of the human psyche in terms of the roles and conflicts produced by the id, ego, and super-ego. Freud suggests that all human behaviors and traits, including personality disorders, are created by the complex conflicts and workings of these three components of human personality.
The Reflection-method - Looking into the mirrorA practical guide to freedom. E-book. Formato EPUB Christa Kossner - Ennsthaler, 2018 -
Die Spiegelgesetz-Methode bietet Selbsterkenntnis und Lebenshilfe, die nichts kostet, die schnell und konkret umsetzbar, einfach und an jedem Ort anwendbar ist