Kalliopi Kaplanidou eBooks
eBooks editi da Kalliopi Kaplanidou di Formato Mobipocket
How To Set Goals And Succeed By Improving Your Daily Habits. E-book. Formato Mobipocket Kalliopi Kaplanidou - Kalliopi Kaplanidou, 2023 -
Have you grown tired of feeling stuck or dissatisfied with your life? Have you become weary of setting goals and never achieving them? Are you ready to transform your life and achieve your goals? If so, the time has come to take action! Within these pages, you will find a series of questions, exercises, and advice that will help you better understand yourself, your habits, your goals, how to overcome obstacles, how to better handle your negative emotions, and how to approach life in a more positive and constructive way. You will learn how to take action to fulfill your dreams and goals.I have created videos and posts as a small sample of what this book is about. Visit my blog and social media channels to watch or read them.