
Scarlet Leaf Press eBooks

eBooks editi da Scarlet Leaf Press di Formato Pdf

Mars Is for MillennialsShort-Stories. E-book. Formato PDF

Mars Is for MillennialsShort-Stories. E-book. Formato PDF

Alex Csedrik 
edizioni Scarlet Leaf Press collana , 2022

Alex Csedrik brings you a short-story collection riddled with metaphors, satire, and unpleasant truths.

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Conversa?ii cu Rex, câinele meuPseudoeseuri. E-book. Formato PDF

Conversa?ii cu Rex, câinele meuPseudoeseuri. E-book. Formato PDF

Roxana Nastase 
edizioni Scarlet Leaf Press collana , 2021

Poate ai impresia ca o conversa?ie cu un câine, chiar ?i al tau, poate fi extrem de satisfacatoare. Tu introduci subiectul, tu argumentezi ?i tu câ?tigi.Ei bine, nu este chiar a?a. A? spune ca depinde de câine. De asemenea, a? spune ca nu trebuie niciodata sa subestimezi încapa?ânarea...

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Sonnets and Scribbles. E-book. Formato PDF

Sonnets and Scribbles. E-book. Formato PDF

Ken Allan Dronsfield 
edizioni Scarlet Leaf Press collana , 2020

You don't even have to be a fan of any one genre of writing with this writer's style as anything he writes is sure to guarantee images flashing through your cerebral as if you've just put on specially select goggles to enhance a reading; it's a theatre of the mind of which this writer offers us and it is a gift that...

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