Silvia Camagni Giulia Bonora eBooks
eBooks editi da Silvia Camagni Giulia Bonora di Formato Pdf
Il cuore di legno trafitto. E-book. Formato PDF Silvia Camagni Giulia Bonora - Silvia Camagni Giulia Bonora, 2017 -
Una divertente filastrocca per ridere sopra i dolori di cuore che tanto ci affligono senza sapere come prenderli di petto. Ecco qui un estratto delle sei favole scritte edillustrate da Silvia Camagni e Giulia Bonora racchiuse nel progetto editoriale "Le ali me le costruisco da sola" . Le tematiche dell' abuso e della violenza sessuale vengono affrontate in maniera inedita attraverso illustrazioni colorate e racconti con protagoniste decisamente sfacciate.
Il cuore: das durchbohrte Herz aus Holz. E-book. Formato PDF Silvia Camagni Giulia Bonora - Silvia Camagni Giulia Bonora, 2017 -
A playful doggerel about heartbreak and how to fight it, this short poem is part of a wider project called " I can grow wings" written and illustrated by artists Silvia Camagni and Giulia Bonora. Through the project "I can grow wings" which is including 5 more fairytales they are combining colourful illustrations with the symbolic language from fairytales to give voice to the disease coming from abuses in order to dissolve it and empowering the concepts of empathy instead. The fairytales are tanslated in Italian an German as well.Ein verspielter Knittelvers über Liebeskummer und wie man ihn bekämpft… Das kurze Gedicht ist Teil des größeren Projekts "I can grow wings", geschrieben und illustriert von Silvia Camagni und Giulia Bonora. Mit ihrem Projekt "I can grow wings", das fünf weitere Märchen umfasst, verbinden die beiden Künstlerinnen farbenfrohe Illustrationen mit symbolischer Sprache aus der Märchenwelt, um dem Leid Ausdruck zu verleihen, das durch Missbrauch entsteht, es aufzulösen und durch Modelle der Empathie zu ersetzen. Die Märchen sind ebenfalls ins Italienische und Englische übersetzt.
The Heart: this pierced wooden heart - doggerel. E-book. Formato PDF Silvia Camagni Giulia Bonora - Silvia Camagni Giulia Bonora, 2017 -
A playfull doggerel about heartbreak and how to fight it, this short poem is part of a wider project called " I can grow wings" written and illustrated by artists Silvia Camagni and Giulia Bonora. Through the project "I can grow wings" which is including 5 more fairytales they are combining colourful illustrations with the symbolic language from fairytales to give voice to the desease coming from abuses in order to dissolve it and empowering the concepts of emphaty instead. The fairytales are tanslated in Italian an German as well.