Carloni E Libri

Libri di Carloni editi da Aracne Genzano Di Roma
LIBRO   9791221802481

Knowledge dynamics in clustering processes. A public-private interaction perspective Carloni Elisa   -  Aracne (Genzano Di Roma), 2022

This volume presents the results of a research project conducted by the author in 2018-2021 during the Ph.D. program in Global Studies at the University of Urbino (Italy). The volume examines how knowledge flows influence and provoke changes in clustering processes by taking a public-private interaction perspective and adopting a business network approach. Two empirical case studies serve this purpose: the first case study examines the dissemination of Industry 4.0-related knowledge in an Italian industrial district active in a traditional sector; the second case is set in the context of an internationalization project implemented by a Swedish formal cluster initiative aimed at exchanging internationalization knowledge

€ 14.00