Conrad Susan Leech Geoffrey Libri
Libri di Geoffrey Conrad Susan Leech
GEOFFREY CONRAD SUSAN LEECH: tutti i Libri scritti da Geoffrey Conrad Susan Leech in vendita online su a prezzi scontati. Acquistare su Unilibro è semplice: clicca sul libro di Geoffrey Conrad Susan Leech che ti interessa, aggiungilo a carrello e procedi quindi a concludere l'ordine
Longman student grammar of spoken and written English. Per le Scuole superiori Conrad Susan Biber Douglas Leech Geoffrey - Pearson Longman, 2002
The Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English is a pedagogical coursebook for advanced students at university or on teacher-training courses, and an invaluable reference grammar. It combines a comprehensive examination of grammatical structure with information about the how, when, and why of English as it is really used.