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Dialogo sui massimi sistemi. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Gpt-4 is Salviati in a dialogue about the center of total danger to humanity: AI or Arms (2023). Vol. 1-2: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Gpt-4 is Salviati in a dialogue about the center of tot Donini Ugo   -  Ilmiolibro Self Publishing, 2023  -  La Community Di Ilmiolibro.It

GPT-4 is asked to impersonate Salviati by copying Galileo Galilei's scheme in his 'Dialogue Over the Two Chief World Systems'. Salviati must discuss which is the center of absolute evil for humanity: arms production or Al. Questions to Salviati are posed by both Simplicio, who is very much against Al, and Sagredo, who is more scientific and eager to understand without prejudice. In 'Numero 1' the questions and answers are in Italian. In 'Number 2' the same questions as in ' Numero 1' are asked in English in both modes of GPT-4: Advanced Data Analysis and Default. Al (Salviati) can explain Al.

€ 16.50