Goodwin Janet Libri

Libri di Janet Goodwin

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LIBRO   9780521406949

Teaching Pronunciation Celce-Murcia Marianne  Brinton Donna  Goodwin Janet   -  Cambridge Univ Pr, 1996  -  Cambridge Univ Pr (Paperback)

This thorough book, drawing on theory and practice, offers a comprehensive treatment of pronunciation pedagogy. The paperback edition offers current and prospective teachers of English a comprehensive treatment of pronunciation pedagogy, drawing on current theory and practice. The text provides an overview of teaching issues from the perspective of different methodologies and second language acquisition research. It has a thorough grounding in the sound system of North American English, and contains insights into how this sound system intersects with listening, morphology, and spelling. It also contains diagnostic tools, assessment measures, and suggestions for syllabus design. Discussion questions encourage readers to draw on their personal language learning/teaching experiences as they assimilate the contents of each chapter. Follow-up exercises guide teachers in developing a range of classroom activities within a communicative framework.

€ 44.35
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