Marks Jonathan Libri
Libri di Jonathan Marks
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Che cosa significa essere scimpanzé al 98% Marks Jonathan - Feltrinelli, 2003 - Serie Bianca
Il fatto scientifico da cui prende avvio questo libro è la prossimità genetica di uomini e scimmie. Solo un misero 2% del nostro genoma ci separa da scimpanzé e gorilla: sapere questo ci aiuta, come sostengono molti, a capire la natura umana? La controversia uomo-scimmia è il punto di partenza per una radicale correzione di alcuni presupposti ingenui della nostra visione scientifica. 'Che cosa significa essere scimpanzé al 98%' contiene fatti interessanti, personalità curiose ed esempi coloriti. Il libro dimistifica certe pretese della scienza genetica umana e offre strumenti per ripensare in modo critico i suoi risultati più recenti, mostrando come essa sia spesso assoggettata a logiche di tipo sociale e politico.
English Pronunciation in Use Marks Jonathan - Cambridge Univ Pr, 2007 - (Cd/Spoken Word)
The best-selling English Pronunciation in Use is a comprehensive reference and practice book suitable for self-study or classroom work. Fifty easy-to-use units cover all aspects of pronunciation, including individual sounds, word stress, connected speech and intonation. Each unit is supported by audio material in a range of accents, available on audio CD. An additional reference section offers a glossary of specialized terms, help with the pronunciation of numbers and geographical names and fun exercises on phonemic symbols and minimal pairs. The CD-ROM provides a wide variety of additional interactive activities to reinforce the pronunciation covered in the book, as well as tests, progress checks, games and animated diagrams of the mouth showing learners how to produce individual sounds. Students can also record themselves and compare their pronunciation with one of the many models provided.
English Pronunciation in Use Marks Jonathan - Cambridge Univ Pr, 2007 - Cambridge Univ Pr (Cd/Spoken Word)
The best-selling English Pronunciation in Use is a comprehensive reference and practice book suitable for self-study or classroom work. Fifty easy-to-use units cover all aspects of pronunciation, including individual sounds, word stress, connected speech and intonation. Each unit is supported by audio material in a range of accents, available on audio CD. An additional reference section offers a glossary of specialized terms, help with the pronunciation of numbers and geographical names and fun exercises on phonemic symbols and minimal pairs. The CD-ROM provides a wide variety of additional interactive activities to reinforce the pronunciation covered in the book, as well as tests, progress checks, games and animated diagrams of the mouth showing learners how to produce individual sounds. Students can also record themselves and compare their pronunciation with one of the many models provided.