
Dissertationes Series De Commun Sociali Libri

Libri pubblicati nella collana Dissertationes Series De Commun Sociali

Artist and image: artistic creativity and personal formation in the thought of Edith Stein

Artist and image: artistic creativity and personal formation in the thought of Edith Stein

Mitchell Elizabeth A. 
edizioni Edusc collana Dissertationes. Series de commun. sociali , 2003

€ 18.00
L'impatto dei media sulla Chiesa secondo MArshall McLuhan

L'impatto dei media sulla Chiesa secondo MArshall McLuhan

Gronowski Dariusz 
edizioni Edusc collana Dissertationes. Series de commun. sociali , 2003

€ 25.00
Religious tolerance and the role of the press. A critical analysis of the news coverage of the christian minority in India

Religious tolerance and the role of the press. A critical analysis of the news coverage of the christian minority in India

Mundadan Kuriakose 
edizioni Edusc collana Dissertationes. Series de commun. sociali , 2002

€ 25.00