Pin-up adventures. The silence of Hollowind. Ediz. italiana - 9791220053365
Un libro di Luca Bellini , Zaltron I. (cur.) edito da Bellini Luca (Aut)
€ 18.00
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Una raccolta di pin-up, ciascuna realizzata da un diverso artista, inspirata al mondo di "The silence of Hollowind", RPG urban-fantasy. Hollowind è un'immensa megalopoli. Cinquant'anni fa, grazie all'Editto di Merlino, i suoi abitanti sono riusciti a debellare la dittatura secolare delle Famiglie Arcane; da allora Hollowind ha dichiarato guerra aperta alla magia e a tutti coloro che la praticano. I Dipartimenti combattono ogni giorno contro ogni genere di minacce: ordinano, rivelano, perseguitano tutti coloro che tentano di rovesciare il nuovo equilibrio, conquistato faticosamente con il sangue di migliaia di morti. Ma gli arcanisti non si fermeranno e nessuno deve abbassare la guardia. "The silence of Hollowind" è un gioco di ruolo di genere urban fantasy, localizzato su diversi motori di gioco a licenza aperta, con l'aggiunta di regole personalizzate per meglio adattarsi all'esperienza di gioco. Hollowind è un'ambientazione complessa, dettagliata, esteticamente ispirata all'America degli anni '30 ma popolata da orchi, elfi, nani e innumerevoli altre creature tipiche della cultura fantasy.
A collection of pin-ups, each made by a different artist, inspired by the world of "The silence of Hollowind", urban-fantasy RPG. Hollowind is an immense megacity. Fifty years ago, thanks to the Edict of Merlin, its inhabitants succeeded in eradicating the centuries-old dictatorship of the Arcane Families; Since then Hollowind has declared war open to magic and to all who practice it. Departments fight every day against all kinds of threats: they order, reveal, persecute all those who attempt to overthrow the new balance, conquered laboriously with the blood of thousands of dead. But the arcanists will not stop and no one should let their guard down. "The Silence of Hollowind" is an urban fantasy role-playing game, located on different open-licensed game engines, with the addition of custom rules to better adapt to the gaming experience. Hollowind is a complex, detailed setting, aesthetically inspired by 1930s America but populated by orcs, elves, dwarves and countless other creatures typical of fantasy culture.
A collection of pin-ups, each made by a different artist, inspired by the world of "The silence of Hollowind", urban-fantasy RPG. Hollowind is an immense megacity. Fifty years ago, thanks to the Edict of Merlin, its inhabitants succeeded in eradicating the centuries-old dictatorship of the Arcane Families; Since then Hollowind has declared war open to magic and to all who practice it. Departments fight every day against all kinds of threats: they order, reveal, persecute all those who attempt to overthrow the new balance, conquered laboriously with the blood of thousands of dead. But the arcanists will not stop and no one should let their guard down. "The Silence of Hollowind" is an urban fantasy role-playing game, located on different open-licensed game engines, with the addition of custom rules to better adapt to the gaming experience. Hollowind is a complex, detailed setting, aesthetically inspired by 1930s America but populated by orcs, elves, dwarves and countless other creatures typical of fantasy culture.
Pin-up adventures. The silence of Hollowind. Ediz. italiana
Classificazione CCE
Punti Accumulabili