Uzbekistan. Tra minareti e cupole blu - 9786199135327
Un libro di Lamberto Bottini edito da FNG Art in Life Editore , 2019
€ 25.00
L'Asia centrale è stata un'importante "culla" di civiltà. Prima e dopo l'invasione araba è stato territorio di passaggio di genti e di merci e principale corridoio di scambio economico e culturale tra l'oriente e l'Europa. Grandi imperi si sono succeduti, grandi condottieri hanno segnato gli eventi di queste terre. Fantastiche città costruite, distrutte e ricostruite sono la testimonianza di questo passato. La terra degli uzbeki è un racconto di viaggio che dal presente corre a ritroso nei secoli e stimola l'immaginario.
Central Asia was an important "cradle" of civilization. Before and after the Arab invasion it was a territory of passage for people and goods and the main corridor of economic and cultural exchange between the East and Europe. Great empires have followed one another, great leaders have marked the events of these lands. Fantastic cities built, destroyed and rebuilt are a testament to this past. The Land of the Uzbeks is a travel story that runs back through the centuries from the present and stimulates the imagination.
Central Asia was an important "cradle" of civilization. Before and after the Arab invasion it was a territory of passage for people and goods and the main corridor of economic and cultural exchange between the East and Europe. Great empires have followed one another, great leaders have marked the events of these lands. Fantastic cities built, destroyed and rebuilt are a testament to this past. The Land of the Uzbeks is a travel story that runs back through the centuries from the present and stimulates the imagination.
Uzbekistan. Tra minareti e cupole blu
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Classificazione CCE
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