Collezione Multilingue "Touch & Talk". Dalle mitiche Fiabe di Esopo: Una tartaruga pregava un’aquila perché le insegnasse a volare, e quanto più questa le dimostrava che era cosa aliena dalla sua natura, tanto più l’altra insisteva nelle sue preghiere. Per imparare che bisogna conoscere e rispettare i propri limiti, senza voler imitare gli altri - Per apprendere Inglese, Tedesco, Spagnolo, Francese, Cinese e Italiano. Si può leggere e ascoltare la storia partendo da una singola parola o frase fino al testo completo, in base al livello di conoscenza.
Multilingual Collection "Touch & Talk". From the mythical Tales of Aesop: a turtle he prayed an eagle because taught to fly, and how much more it showed that it was alien thing from his nature, especially as the other insisted in his prayers. To learn what you need to know and respect your limits, without imitating others-to learn English, German, Spanish, French, Chinese and Italian. You can read and listen to the story from a single word or phrase up to full text, based on your level of knowledge.
Multilingual Collection "Touch & Talk". From the mythical Tales of Aesop: a turtle he prayed an eagle because taught to fly, and how much more it showed that it was alien thing from his nature, especially as the other insisted in his prayers. To learn what you need to know and respect your limits, without imitating others-to learn English, German, Spanish, French, Chinese and Italian. You can read and listen to the story from a single word or phrase up to full text, based on your level of knowledge.
La Tartaruga E L’aquila
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