Spiccioli per il latte. Il primo caso del commissario Kluftinger - 9783954518807
Un libro di Volker Klüpfel , Michael Kobr edito da Emons Edizioni , 2016
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Akusried, nella regione dell'Algovia, è un angolo di mondo ancora sereno, con prati verdeggianti dove le mucche pascolano felici davanti a uno splendido panorama montano. Qui vive il commissario Kluftinger, soddisfatto della sua tranquilla routine. Sua moglie, Erika, prepara gli spätzle con le cipolle, e Kluftinger suona - riluttante - la grancassa nella banda del paese. Ma questo lunedì gli spätzle gli rimarranno sullo stomaco: il chimico alimentare del caseificio della zona è stato strangolato. Amato dalle donne e apprezzato professionista, Philip Wachter non sembrava avere nemici. La polizia non sa che pesci pigliare fino a quando, dopo un esilarante inseguimento al cimitero, comincia a farsi luce una lieve traccia da seguire in un caso che puzza sempre più di frode.
Akusried, in the Allg??u region, is a part of the world still cloudless, with green meadows where cows graze happily in front of a beautiful mountain panorama. Here lives the Commissioner Kluftinger, satisfied with his quiet routine. His wife, Erika, prepares sp??tzle with onions, and Kluftinger sounds-reluctant-the bass drum in the band in the country. But this Monday the sp??tzle will remain on the stomach: food chemist of the dairy in the area was strangled. Loved by women and appreciated professional, Philip Wachter didn't seem to have enemies. The police did not know which way to turn until, after an exhilarating pursuit at the cemetery, starts to get light a slight trace to follow on a case that increasingly stinks of fraud.
Akusried, in the Allg??u region, is a part of the world still cloudless, with green meadows where cows graze happily in front of a beautiful mountain panorama. Here lives the Commissioner Kluftinger, satisfied with his quiet routine. His wife, Erika, prepares sp??tzle with onions, and Kluftinger sounds-reluctant-the bass drum in the band in the country. But this Monday the sp??tzle will remain on the stomach: food chemist of the dairy in the area was strangled. Loved by women and appreciated professional, Philip Wachter didn't seem to have enemies. The police did not know which way to turn until, after an exhilarating pursuit at the cemetery, starts to get light a slight trace to follow on a case that increasingly stinks of fraud.
Spiccioli per il latte. Il primo caso del commissario Kluftinger
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Classificazione CCE
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