Grado sotto la pioggia - 9783740803766
Un libro di Andrea Nagele edito da Emons Edizioni , 2018
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Giugno. Un cielo plumbeo incombe su Grado e folate di aria umida attraversano la cittadina di mare. Negli ultimi tempi Franziska non sembra godere di buona salute e ha da poco scoperto che suo marito Tommaso la tradisce. La malinconia l'ha investita come la pioggia incessante di questi giorni, e l'amico Stefano, proprietario del bar al porto, cerca di consolarla come può, a volte con un bicchiere di buon brandy. Franziska passa le sue giornate al balcone, e una sera al crepuscolo nota una figura nell'acqua. Sembra una ragazza dai capelli biondo argentati, e nei suoi quadri onirici la trasforma in una sirena. Nella grande villa accanto abita Angelina Maria, una donna anziana tormentata da ossessioni e fantasie. Entra ed esce dalle cliniche, e ha un segreto che nessuno comprende. Anche lei al tramonto ama osservare la ragazza che nuota nel mare. Quando una sera la vede scomparire tra le onde, lancia l'allarme ma non viene presa sul serio. Anche il nuovo commissario, Maddalena Degrassi, deve fare i conti con un amore finito. Quando vengono ritrovati in mare due cadaveri, non avrà solo un caso da risolvere, ma anche un passato da scoprire. Un'indagine che la porterà lontano, oltre le nuvole che sovrastano Grado.
June. A leaden sky hanging over degree and gusts of humid air through the seaside town. Franziska lately doesn't seem to be in good health and has just discovered her husband Thomas the wow factor. The melancholy hit her as the incessant rain of these days, and his friend Stefano, owner of the bar at the port, try to comfort her as he can, sometimes with a glass of brandy. Franziska spends his days at the balcony, and one evening at dusk notices a figure in the water. Looks like a silvery blonde haired girl, and in Mondrian's dream turns into a mermaid. In the big villa next door lives Angelina Maria, an elderly woman tormented by obsessions and fantasies. Enters and exits from the clinics, and has a secret that no one understands. She also loves watching sunset girl who swims in the sea. When one evening see it disappear into the waves, sounds the alarm but is not taken seriously. Even the new Commissioner, Magdalene Degrassi, must deal with a love ended. When two bodies are found in the sea, will not only have a case to solve, but also a past to be discovered. An investigation that will take her far beyond the clouds above grade.
June. A leaden sky hanging over degree and gusts of humid air through the seaside town. Franziska lately doesn't seem to be in good health and has just discovered her husband Thomas the wow factor. The melancholy hit her as the incessant rain of these days, and his friend Stefano, owner of the bar at the port, try to comfort her as he can, sometimes with a glass of brandy. Franziska spends his days at the balcony, and one evening at dusk notices a figure in the water. Looks like a silvery blonde haired girl, and in Mondrian's dream turns into a mermaid. In the big villa next door lives Angelina Maria, an elderly woman tormented by obsessions and fantasies. Enters and exits from the clinics, and has a secret that no one understands. She also loves watching sunset girl who swims in the sea. When one evening see it disappear into the waves, sounds the alarm but is not taken seriously. Even the new Commissioner, Magdalene Degrassi, must deal with a love ended. When two bodies are found in the sea, will not only have a case to solve, but also a past to be discovered. An investigation that will take her far beyond the clouds above grade.
Grado sotto la pioggia
Data Pubblicazione
Classificazione CCE
Punti Accumulabili